The ideal flower for the bee garden

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Are daisies good for bees?

Marguerites are very bee-friendly and attract not only wild bees but also other insects and butterflies. For a bee-friendly garden, unfilled daisy flowers should preferably be planted, as they give the animals easier access to the nectar.

Are daisies good for bees?

The daisy is considered very bee friendly. It not only attracts wild bees, but also numerous other insects and butterflies. Therefore, it should not be missing in any garden. The flower of the meadow daisy (bot. Leucanthemum vulgare) can be admired from May to September. With others species can the heyday vary more or less.

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  • daisies sun
  • Water daisies
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Which types of daisies should I plant?

A combination of different colored flowering daisies or those with double and single flowers is very attractive. However are double flowers less bee-friendly, because the animals have less access to the vital nectar. So plant mainly species with single flowers. This also applies to the particularly popular Bornholm marguerite. This perennial is also often visited by bumblebees, bees and the like.

Which bee-friendly plants go well with the marguerite?

The marguerite leaves very well combine with other plants. It forms a very attractive contrast to poppies or cornflowers, but also goes well with lupins, delphinium and coneflower.
If you choose a tall type of daisy, you can use it as a cut flower use.

Where should I plant my daisies?

Plant your marguerite in a light, wind-protected place. For lush flowering, the ornamental plant needs sufficient light and, depending on the variety, rather dry or slightly fresh soil. In a full shade Location neither you nor the bees will be very happy with the daisies, because the plant will hardly or not at all bloom there. On the other hand, she is very much in the right place easy-care. As its name suggests, the meadow daisy also feels very comfortable on the lawn.


Magnificent beauty on the balcony

Even if you "only" have a balcony and no garden, you can do something for the bees. Simply plant a few low-growing daisies in a balcony box. You will soon be able to look forward to the first "visitors". In winter, however, the cold-sensitive daisies should be kept frost-free indoors.

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