Instructions for making your own growing pots

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How can I seed pots(€6.00 ​​at Amazon*) do it Yourself?

Use empty tin cans, sturdy plastic packaging, egg cartons, milk packaging that has been cut open, old soup plates and flower pots as alternative seed trays. They are free and ready to use immediately after washing. toilet paper rolls and rolled up newspaper you can fold into a potty at one open end.

How do I make seed pots myself?

Alternatives to seed trays from action, do not have to be made to force. Often various sales packaging or household items can be used as seed trays after thorough cleaning without having to invest additional work. Some examples:

  • old soup plates
  • discarded flower pots
  • empty tin cans
  • stable plastic packaging trays
  • egg carton
  • sliced ​​milk cartons

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  • growing-pots-made-of-newspaper
  • do-it-yourself seed trays
  • growing-pots-made-of-toilet-paper-rolls
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With just a few simple steps, you can create many biodegradable growing pots from old newsprint or toilet roll cardboard craft. Healed eggshell halves can also serve as a seed container.

How do I make my own growing pots from toilet paper rolls?

Depending on how high you want a growing pot to be, you can use one roll of toilet paper per pot for upcycling or cut it in the middle into two rolls of the same size.

  • Score each roll four times at one end
  • 1.5 cm deep and evenly distributed
  • fold the tabs inwards one after the other
  • slide the fourth flap under the first flap

Place the small cardboard pots together in a larger, waterproof bowl. You can take them with you now potting soil fill and sow the seeds.

How do I make grow pots out of newspaper?

  1. Get some old newspapers and a thin bottle or tall, narrow glass.
  2. Halve each plain newspaper page.
  3. Fold each half over once, to an area of ​​about 35 x 12 cm.
  4. Wrap the bottle in a piece of newspaper. Leave the newspaper overhanging at the bottom by a few centimetres.
  5. Fold in the excess ends so they completely cover the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Pull the bottle out again.
  7. Use your finger to press the bottom of the DIY paper pot a little so that it stands up better.


Plant homemade organic growing pots with the plant

Organic growing pots made from newspaper or cardboard are fully biodegradable. When planting young vegetable plants and flowers, you can use them plant with. They decompose in time become rooted.

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