Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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How do you treat shoot dieback in maple trees?

Maple dieback is caused by the fungus Stegonsporium pyriforme. Affected areas should be cut off and discarded. To prevent shoot death, make sure you have enough water, fertilize with compost and plant hardy maple varieties.

How does the shoot dieback on the maple show itself?

When the drive dies dry branches of maples to the point of dying off and it comes to black discoloration on the bark of the tree. Unlike the dangerous one sooty bark disease In this case, the sooty-black discolorations are found on and not below the bark. Maple trees that are under some type of stress are usually affected by this disease.

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  • Japanese maple infestation
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What is the cause of the shoot dieback on the maple tree?

The dieback is usually caused by a Mushroom named Stegonsporium pyriforme. This attacks weakened maple trees. If trees are weakened by frost or drought stress, or if mice have eaten the maple root, this can fungus lead to dieback. When treating, you should both treat the symptoms and eliminate possible causes.

How do I treat a maple with dieback?

Cut You affected areas now and then dispose them in a closed garbage. Especially on a young plant or a fresh one planted Maple should be pruned quickly and any stress factors at the site eliminated. You can then treat larger cuts with a wound sealant from a garden store.

How can I prevent the maple from dying?

Provide a good one in dry times water supply and fertilize Occasionally cover the root area with compost. With young plants you can promote the growth of the roots by adding the organic fertilizer. If the tree is well supplied with nutrients and water, it usually offers little to attack the dieback.


Use robust varieties!

You can find hardy varieties like that Japanese plant maple. These are for stressors and Diseases not as vulnerable as some others maple species. Only the infamous Verticilliumwilt also causes serious problems for this tree species.