Plant basil with tomatoes

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Is basil suitable for a mixed culture with tomatoes?

basil is very suitable, to be grown together with tomatoes in a mixed culture, as the two plants have a positive effect on each other.

What are the advantages of growing together?

It is generally the case that mixed cultures clearly more profitable are as individual cultures – both the Harvesting the basil and that of the tomato plant is therefore higher when they are grown together. Another advantage is that the low-growing basil overgrown open ground under the tomatoes which would otherwise be unused. Probably the biggest advantage of the mixed culture is that tomatoes and basil as good neighbors in the vegetable garden each other from diseases and pests can protect.

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Where can you plant basil and tomatoes together?

There are several ways to do this:

  1. In the garden bed: It should be noted that basil needs temperatures of at least 15 °C to grow. When it gets hot, the basil at the bottom reduces evaporation.
  2. In the greenhouse:
    If you want to harvest all year round, you can also grow basil and tomatoes together in the greenhouse - here, too, the herbs are perfect underplanting for tomatoes.
  3. In the bucket: This mixed culture is ideal if basil and tomatoes are to be planted on the balcony.

What is the right way to cast?

For both tomatoes and basil, it is of tremendous importance, always from underneath to pour. This way, neither the delicate leaves of the basil nor the leaves of the tomato plant get wet and the risk of fungus forming due to moisture is minimized. In addition, the basil protects the tomatoes from splashing water as an underplanting. In addition, be sure to to avoid waterlogging. With potted plants, excess irrigation water must therefore always be poured off. Planted basil requires a well-drained soil Earth.

Which tomato varieties are suitable for mixed cultivation?

For the mixed culture with basil are all tomato varieties suitable. Different colors and shapes not only form a colorful picture in the bed, but also provide a variety of tastes in the kitchen.

What else can you plant with tomatoes and basil?

Tomatoes and basil also join different salats very good. Also Cucumbers, spinach and eggplant are ideal plant partners. Other Mediterranean herbs such as oregano and rosemary are well suited for a colorful herb bed.


Don't forget to fertilize

For best yields, both basil and the nightshade tomato need regular feeding. You don't have to buy different fertilizers for this, but can use one of the best organic, slow-release fertilizers that provide the plants with the nutrients they need.

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