Tree trunks protect against frost, bites and cats

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How do you protect one Tree trunk from damage?

To protect a tree trunk from damage, use white paint against frost, use Cuffs or wrapping bands to prevent biting and wrapping the trunk with rabbit wire to keep cats away keep away. This keeps the bark healthy and undamaged.

How can I protect a tree trunk from frost?

With a white paint you can best protect the tree trunk from frost. Frost cracks in the bark occur when the sun shines brightly at temperatures below freezing. There are serious temperature differences, the one tree bark pop open. By doing the tribe knows lime, the winter sunlight is reflected and the temperature difference is reduced. How to do it right:

  • Thoroughly clean the trunk of fruit trees or ornamental trees.
  • Buy lime paint from Amazon or from clay and algae lime make it yourself.
  • Apply trunk protection up to the first branch fork.

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How can I protect a tree trunk from browsing?

A cuff is the best protection against biting damage to a tree trunk. The

log saver You can buy cheap at Amazon, in hardware stores or garden centers. Protect a large, thick tree trunk against gnawing teeth with a wrapping tape made of jute, breathable fiber material or a reed mat. As deterrent for deer, rabbits and grazing cattle has become a practice tree painting with foul-smelling manure or bitter-tasting lime.

How can I protect a tree trunk from cats?

You can protect a tree trunk against sharp cat claws cheaply and effectively rabbit wire. Loosely wrap the stem at least waist-high with the green one chicken wire.(€17.00 at Amazon*) Connect the ends with floral wire. In the future, the tree trunk will no longer be misused as a scratching post.


Tree bark burst - what to do?

Frost cracks, diseases and pests are common causes of cracked tree bark. The treatment of open tree wounds with wound closure has not proven itself in practice. Tree experts recommend relying on the self-healing powers of the dividing tissue, the so-called cambium, to trust. cambium takes care of the formation of wound tissue, young wood and fresh bark by means of intensive cell division.

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