Basil: Similarity to other plants

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What Plants Are Similar to Basil?

optical basil has a real single position and can hardly be confused with other plants, especially green herbs. In terms of soil and temperature requirements, however, there are some herbs that are very similar to basil.

How Similar Are Thai Basil and Red Basil?

Thai basil is different only colour of European basil - and also primarily on the stems, which have a purple-reddish hue. The shape of the leaves is very similar.
At the Red Basil it's a little different: Des leaves are deep violet, the shape of the leaves shows no differences to green basil.

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Which herbs go well with basil in the bed?

To basil fit Both in the garden and in pots on the windowsill herbs that similar demands on their location put, very good. Like basil, rosemary, oregano, and thyme prefer a sunny, warm spot. You can also use sage, savory, fennel and marjoram neighbors for basil plant in the sun. Lemon balm and coriander are good bed neighbors if basil is in full sun or partial shade. Less suitable, for example

Parsely and chives—they thrive in the penumbra preferably.

What is a good alternative to basil?

There is taste no herbs, which can be compared to basil. However, since it is hard to imagine Mediterranean cuisine without it, oregano or thyme can be used instead. However, this only applies to tasting hot dishes such as soups or sauces. These herbs are just as unsuitable for pesto, which mainly consists of oil and basil, as they are for decorating a tomato and mozzarella salad. If basil is rarely used, you can use the dried variant or on frozen take goods back.

What herbs belong to the same family as basil?

Basil belongs to the family of mints, which is represented in all climatic zones worldwide and which mainly includes aromatic and medicinal plants with essential oils. Herbs that are known in this country also include:

  • mint
  • sage

These two herbs can easily be cultivated together with mint in one pot.
Also lavender, which is used dried as an ingredient for spice mixtures, belongs to the mint family, but is usually regarded as an ornamental plant and is also cultivated as such


Herb pyramid for small gardens and balconies

If you only have little space in the garden, but still want to grow many different herbs, you can buy a herb pyramid. On this or alternatively in one herbal spiral In the garden, many herb pots can be accommodated in a small space. If basil is included, a sunny place must be found for the pyramid - a combination with other heat-loving herbs results in a great overall picture.

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