Spiritual meaning and purposes

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What is the spiritual meaning of goutweed?

Ground elder's spiritual importance is due to its great vitality and fertility, which arises from its tremendous resilience. In addition, the herb is associated with power and strength from the association with the goat in Germanic and Celtic mythology.

What is the spiritual meaning of goutweed?

Various properties of goutweed give the weed a spiritual meaning. The plant is sheer ineradicable, since it sprouts again and again from every piece of root, no matter how small. No wonder, then, that Giersch has a large life force is attributed. That is why the plant also stands for fertility.

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In addition, the goutweed, which is believed to have been important since the Stone Age Vegetables was, with the Goat associated. This is indicated by both the Greek name Aegopodium ("goat's foot") and popular names such as "horny goat weed" or "goat's foot". Like these animals, the goutweed possesses spiritual traits in Germanic and Celtic mythology power and strength.

For what spiritual purposes is ground elder used?

In earlier times - demonstrably already in Roman antiquity - the goutweed was spiritually used Defense against damaging spells applied. That's how you wore them leaves, often dried, in one amulet around the neck.

This should put the wearer ahead of the gout protect, a disease against which traditional folk medicine used goutweed. Gout used to be thought to be caused by magic. In addition, goutweed should give power and strength in various ways - for example drunk as a tea or eaten as a vegetable.

Does Giersch have other meanings besides the spiritual one?

In fact, the spiritual meaning of the goutweed of power and strength is no accident: the plant is popular because of its numerous healthy ingredients always as medicinal plant used, for example against gout, rheumatism, coughs and colds, sunburn, sciatic pain, cystitis or diarrhea. The medicinal herb can do both internally as well as externally, such as a poultice or bath additive.

The supposed healing effect of the umbelliferae is based on for a healthy eating indispensable ingredients. In addition to calcium, boron and magnesium, goutweed contains more vitamin C than a lemon. The plant can raw or cooked be eaten, whereby an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect is attributed to its ingredients.


Use of ground elder in the kitchen

Ground elder can be used in many different ways in the kitchen, for example for a green smoothie, i.e. pesto or a substitute for spinach. The herb can also be prepared tasty and aromatic together with other wild herbs such as nettle or parsley. A soup made from various herbs is healthy and well suited as a starter, with goutweed going well with burnet burnet, chervil, dandelion, sorrel Etc. fits.

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