In art and in China

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What is the meaning of the monstera?

The monstera, also known as window leaf, symbolizes longevity and respect for elders in Chinese culture. In 20th century art At the end of the 19th century, the Monstera attracted attention from painters such as Matisse and Picasso and is now used in architecture and fashion.

Since when is the monstera important in art?

Even painters of classical modernism such as Matisse or Picasso gave the window leaf as a gift early 20th century much attention and immortalized the extraordinary shape of his leaves on her paintings.

What is the meaning of the Monstera in Chinese symbolism?

In China it is monstera a symbol for a long life and respect for older people. The symbolism probably comes from the fact that the Monstera spends a lot of time on the Blossoms- and fruiting required. The Monstera is also considered a lucky charm in Feng Shui.


Culinary Importance of Monstera

The fruits of the Monstera, which this houseplant does not usually produce, are edible and very tasty. The taste is reminiscent of banana and pineapple. The name Monstera deliciosa means "delicious window leaf".

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