Cover weeds with tarpaulin

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Weeds are prevented from growing

When installed correctly, the tarpaulin does not allow sunlight to pass through. This will prevent photosynthesis and the weeds will die. If there is no light, the seeds will not germinate either. Even green grass, such as ground grass, is reliably destroyed.

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  • How can weeds be removed easily from the fence?
  • Eight great tips on how to remove weeds effectively and extensively
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Weed film is breathable and permeable to water. Specifically placed plants are therefore adequately supplied with nutrients and the soil is aerated. Heat and moisture are stored and sensitive plants get a real growth kick not only in spring.

Where can weed sheeting be used?

The areas of application of this helper in the fight against annoying greenery are diverse. You can use the material:

  • in useful and ornamental plant beds,
  • under hedges,
  • in the rock garden
  • in the bank area of ​​the garden pond
  • under pavement


Which slide is the right one?

There is a suitable weed tarpaulin for every area of ​​application:

Weight per square meter use
50 Perfect for the kitchen garden
80 Works well on rooted weeds. Good separating fleece between the soil and beds that are mulched or covered with gravel.
120 Ideal for heavy weeds on slopes or in rock gardens.
150 Professional quality that is laid under pavement that is driven on.

Lay weed control correctly

Laying weed tarpaulin is pretty easy:

  • First weed all visible weeds.
  • Smooth the surface and spread the tarpaulin.
  • Cut those areas that are to be planted in a cross shape.
  • Insert plants.
  • Cover the garden foil. Bark mulch is suitable for this, Wood chippings(€ 21.95 at Amazon *) or gravel.

If you lay the weed tarpaulin under paving stones, you must also secure the film with ground anchors. Only then are the stones laid.


Where there is light, there is shadow. Unfortunately, this also applies to weed tarpaulins. Beneficial organisms such as earthworms do not thrive under the cover because leaves and other plant material no longer rot in the ground. For mice, however, there is paradise under the tarpaulin. They hide underneath and nibble undisturbed on the roots. Overgrown by greenery, you often only discover the pests when the plants wither.