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Why will the aloe vera purple?

The aloe vera turns purple when she is stressed. Triggering factors can be too much sun, temperature fluctuations, overwatering or a lack of phosphorus. If the leaves turn purple after repotting, the plant needs time to root.

Why is aloe vera turning purple?

If the aloe vera turns purple, it is a sign that the plant is stressed. Factors responsible for the stress can be:

  • too much sun exposure
  • temperature fluctuations
  • overhydration
  • repot
  • lack of phosphorus

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  • aloe-vera-yellow-liquid
  • aloe vera red liquid
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Can I save an aloe vera that has turned purple?

In most cases it is possible to save the aloe vera. If location errors such as too much sun or temperature fluctuations are the cause, give the houseplant a Locationthat suits their needs. If it is overwatering, water the plant less. Will the aloe vera after repot purple, give it time to root in the new substrate. As a rule, the spook is over after a few days. A fertilizer containing phosphorus helps against a lack of phosphorus.

How can I prevent aloe vera from turning purple?

The best way to prevent aloe vera leaves from discoloring is proper care. Fertilize the plant regularly and avoid waterlogging when Pour. Pay attention to the location. If the plant spends the summer outside, bring it in in good time. You should also avoid a location near the heating in winter, because the aloe vera does not get the dry air from the heating.


What to do if aloe vera gel turns purple?

If the gel turns purple after harvesting, the fillets have been exposed to air for too long. To avoid discolouration, you should store the gel in a water bath until its final processing. If it already shows a dark purple or dark brown color when harvested, it is rotting, which makes the gel unusable.

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