How do I clean figs properly?
Clean figs properly by washing the fruit, placing it on a firm surface and Cut off stem ends with a sharp knife. If you don't want to eat the peel, you can also peel cleaned figs.
Should I clean and peel fresh figs?
Fresh figs only have to be cleaned because the shell edible is. When cleaning fruit or vegetables, inedible plant parts are removed. In the case of a fig, these are the bases of the stalks. If you don't want to eat the fig skin, you can also peel a fig after cleaning it.
also read
Any fig with its shell intact is a healthy snack. When peeling, on the other hand, many vitamins, fiber and nutrients are lost with the peel.
When does it make sense to peel fresh figs?
Peeling is useful when you have figs process want or the shell damaged is. Sometimes you will feel the first soggy bruises on the skin of the figs because the flesh is fully ripe. The fig shell no longer invites you to take a hearty bite. After peeling, the pulp is suitable for preparation as a smoothie, jam, fig sauce or compote.
How do you clean figs properly?
It is best to brush figs with a sharp paring knife. previous Wash is important. How to do it right:
- Rinse figs under running water.
- Shake off the water droplets or dab them off with kitchen paper.
- Place the figs on a firm surface.
- Cut off stem ends.
- Figs cleaned.
- Optionally, peel the figs afterwards.
- Halve fruit.
- Carefully peel off the skin from the base so that no flesh sticks to it.
Fresh figs do not keep for long
Did you know that fresh figs spoil within a few days? At room temperature, the fruits are after three to five days bad. Fresh figs stored in the fridge can be eaten for up to a week. By pickling figs, dry or freeze, the delicious fruits can be enjoyed for many months.