Is the maple bark owl dangerous?

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Is the maple bark owl dangerous?

The maple bark owl is dangerous for maple trees because its caterpillars can cause massive leaf feeding damage. Skin contact can cause allergic reactions or inflammation. To combat it, we recommend collecting the caterpillars and regularly spraying the plants with soapy water.

How do I recognize the maple bark owl?

You can recognize an infestation with the maple bark owl by the distinctive optics the caterpillars. The moth that later emerges from the caterpillar has gray wings and is far less conspicuous. The caterpillars that attach themselves to the leaves of the maples on the other hand, has a very striking appearance. The hairy little caterpillar moves in the color spectrum between yellow, red and orange. The small pest stands out so directly from many maple varieties with green leaves.

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How dangerous is the maple bark owl to the tree?

The leaf feeding of the maple bark owl can a maple tree damage sensitive. The animals are often found in large numbers. Once they attack a maple tree, it can cause problems. With good reason, the maple owl is also classified as dangerous by gardeners who look after public parks or castle gardens. You should therefore react to a severe infestation. Before taking further measures, first rule out other pests that also manifest themselves in the form of

scuffing damage make noticeable on the maple.

Where is the dangerous maple bark owl found?

The distribution of the maple bark owls extends from Southern Europe until after Siberia. The caterpillar and the owlet moth that emerges from it after pupating can therefore cope with both warm and cooler climates. The animals are also native to German-speaking countries in Europe. In addition to the maple, they also attack other deciduous trees. That is why the animal is sometimes also known as the horse chestnut owl.

How do I respond to a maple bark owl infestation?

It is best to start with the regional Contact plant protection service and the animals subsequently by appropriate measures collect or fight. The plant protection service can help you to identify caterpillars, moths or cocoons. You can also pick up tips and prevent them from spreading in the region. How to fight caterpillars like the dangerous maple bark owl:

  1. Put on protective gloves to avoid skin contact.
  2. Prepare soap runs and fill in spray bottles.
  3. Spray affected plants with it.
  4. Collect and remove caterpillars consistently.
  5. Spray affected plants several times.


Site selection prevents pest infestation!

By choosing the right one location you can use your maple against pest infestation strengthen. The maple does not only cope better with the dangerous maple bark owl if it is in a place with the right amount of sun and moisture planted became.

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