A tasty and healthy vegetable

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Can I eat wild artichoke?

The wild artichoke can be eaten. It tastes much more aromatic than the cultivated forms. In many countries it is considered an excellent winter vegetable. However, due to its tough leaves and powerful spines, it is rarely sold in supermarkets.

What are wild artichokes?

Wild artichokes, Latin Cynara cardunculus, are Mediterranean thistle family. These became the cultivated plants, true artichoke and cardone, bred. The different species differ little in size and appearance. However, the spines of the wild artichoke are stronger and the leaves are harder. This makes the harvest more difficult, which is why the wild artichoke is hardly sold here.

also read

  • artichoke-stalk-edible
  • Artichoke inedible
  • artichoke storage
  • artichoke-like-plant
  • artichoke season
  • artichoke origin
  • Artichoke Cultivation
  • Process artichokes
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How do I eat the wild artichoke?

From the wild artichoke both the bud as well as the stem eaten. The bud of the wild artichoke has a stronger aroma than that of the cultivated plant. The preparation is the same for both plants. As with the cardoon, this plant also has the Stems edible. These are first bleached in wrapping paper or straw. The stalks are then boiled, roasted or au gratin like stick vegetables.


Wild artichoke as rennet substitute

In some Mediterranean regions, dried wild artichoke flowers are used as a herbal substitute for rennet. This slows down the process of making cheese. This kind of cheese production requires some experience. Thanks to the wild artichoke, a spicy, aromatic cheese is created.