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Properly care for oleanders with frost damage

It is therefore not surprising that oleander overwintered outside is often damaged by frost. The frozen shoots look brown and dried up, which is why you should clean them with a clean and sharp one Secateurs should shorten vigorously. If the whole bush appears frozen, you can hold it up Cut back just above the ground and hope that it will sprout again in the spring. When pruning, keep in mind that oleander only sprouts from the tip of the shoot. So do not leave long and bare stems, it is better to shorten them. You should also always make sure that the roots of the oleander are always nice and warm.

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There is no hope with frozen roots

As long as the roots of the plant have not suffered frost, there is always hope for the flowering shrub. If the roots are intact, the oleander is able to regenerate again and again and allow new shoots to sprout. However, as soon as the roots are frozen, there is no longer any hope - in this case the shrub has irrevocably died and should be disposed of.

You can achieve this by primarily packing the planter properly with warming material and placing the oleander in a protective corner (for example under a roof overhang, etc.). Ä.) on a house wall. In mild winters, you can also bury the shrub (in a planter, of course!) In the garden. However, it is important to keep a close eye on the temperatures and weather forecasts: ground frost is the death sentence for the roots and thus for the entire shrub. It is best anyway They overwinter the plant at around five degrees Celsius in a bright and frost-free room.


Once you've pruned back the frozen oleander, you should fertilize vigorously in spring. The plant needs a lot of nutrients for new growth.

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