Which fish to choose for the garden pond? 7 undemanding pond fish

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Fish for the garden pond

table of contents

  • requirements
  • Fish species
  • goldfish
  • Bitterlings
  • Gold orfe
  • Minnows
  • Moderlieschen
  • Rudd
  • Green tails
  • Special case of Koi carp
  • Unsuitable species
  • Buying fish

Anyone who owns a garden pond will sooner or later also think about keeping fish there. The only question that arises is: Which types of fish are basically suitable for keeping in a pond? Also important: Which requirements have to be met? And which species are particularly undemanding and therefore also easy to care for? There are answers to all of these questions here.


Before the first fish can be put into the water, it must first be clarified whether the water in your own garden is even suitable for it. You should be aware of the fact that pond fish not only have water but also a steady one Oxygen supply and sufficient place require. Consequently, the size of the pond plays a major role. Both the size of the surface and the depth are decisive. The water can only be supplied with sufficient oxygen over the largest possible surface. The depth, in turn, allows the fish to go safely Overwinter in the pond.

Note: The size of the pond naturally also has an impact on the fish that can be used there - both in terms of species and number of animals.

garden pond

In general it can be said that a garden pond in which fish are to be kept is one Minimum area of ​​ten square meters and a Minimum depth of 80 centimeters should have. In smaller ponds, keeping fish quickly becomes cruel to animals - simply because it cannot be appropriate to the species. The fish simply need enough space. However, it is difficult to give precise details of the volume required per fish. On the one hand, they depend on the type of fish, the size of the fish and their number. It becomes very difficult if you want to keep several species of fish in one pond. It doesn't work without individual calculations.

Fish species

Once it is clear that your own pond water is basically suitable for keeping fish, the next step is to choose the right fish. There is really no shortage of choice. However, not every fish is equally suitable. Some species require a lot of care and attention. Not to mention very specific housing conditions that can often only be implemented with great effort. As a newcomer to fish farming, however, you would do well to concentrate on species that are as undemanding as possible. This includes:


Goldfish are suitable for practically any pond that meets the minimum requirements. They look great, but at the same time are astonishingly robust and absolutely uncomplicated in terms of care and nutrition. It is important to always keep goldfish in a small group and never alone. A group size of four to seven animals is ideal.

Goldfish in the pond


Bitterlings usually do not cause any problems either. You can more or less be left to your own devices. If there is enough vegetation in the pond, you can often do without additional feeding. However, bitterlings must also be kept in a swarm. Stocking with at least five animals is recommended.

Bitterling, Rhodeus amarus

Gold orfe

The golden orfe is in itself a very uncomplicated fish that can be kept without any problems. However, the best possible water quality plays an important role for her, so that he really feels comfortable. For the pond owner, this means that at least some of the water has to be changed regularly. It is also advisable to remove grass, leaves, branches or other contaminants from the water surface on a daily basis. Three to four animals make a good swarm size.

Golden orfe, Leuciscus idus


If you don't want to have a lot of work with your fish in the pond, minnows are a good choice. It is only important that there is a constant flow of fresh water, otherwise the animals will not feel comfortable. Minnows live together in relatively large associations. Therefore, there should be at least ten animals that live in the garden pond.

Minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus


Moderlieschen are extremely peaceful fish that get along well with other fish species. They are perfect for small ponds. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the water quality is always good. They are also great at coping with higher water temperatures. At least ten Moderlieschen are necessary for a species-appropriate pond management.

Moderlieschen, Leucaspius delineatus


Ruddy feathers are very sociable fish that really feel at home in schools of at least ten animals. They are also extremely resilient and relatively undemanding. However, rudds are not only quite old, they are also very large with a length of up to 25 cm. As a result, they are only suitable for large ponds.

Rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus

Green tails

The green tails are also perfect for every garden pond. They also ensure that the problematic pond sludge is reduced. Too bad that they are nocturnal and hide in the tangle of plants in the pond during the day. As a result, you will hardly see them as a pond owner.

Green teal, Tinca tinca

Special case of Koi carp

When it comes to pond fish, the first thing most people think of is koi. They are wonderfully suitable for keeping ponds. You should know that they are quite demanding and not as straightforward as the species described above. In principle, keeping koi is not witchcraft. However, it does require a certain amount of specialist knowledge, which is best acquired before the first beautiful carp is bought.

Koi carp

Unsuitable species

Every now and then you will find fish species in a garden pond that have absolutely no business there. They are simply not suitable for keeping ponds. If they do survive, their existence is mostly a torment for them. You should therefore refrain from choosing the following species in consideration of the animals:

  • Grass carp
  • Disturb
  • Sticklebacks
  • Perch, especially perch

Buying fish

Many pet shops now also offer pond fish for sale in their aquarium departments. It is important to only buy fish that are suitable for the garden pond. Most aquarium fish have no business there. Alternatively, you can also contact breeders directly, who often offer their animals over the Internet.

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