Dissolve silicic acid from the field horsetail

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How do you dissolve silica from field horsetail?

To silica out field horsetail To solve, pour boiling water over dried field horsetail and let it simmer gently for an hour. This increases the silica content in the water eightfold. Then strain the tea and enjoy warm.

Why is silica good for health?

field horsetail has the highest proportion of this mineral with 10% silica. Silicic acid consists of essential silicon and has an effect positive for cell health of skin, hair, cartilage and bones. Therefore horsetail helps in important areas such as:

  • Promotion of bone and cartilage formation
  • Support of the immune system and the body's defences
  • Promote hair growth
  • better elasticity of connective tissue and tendons
  • Cure acne, eczema and rashes
  • Relief for sunburn, burns and small wounds.

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How do I prepare a tea with a lot of silica from horsetail?

Silicic acid can be used at higher temperatures good from field horsetail. At room temperature, the mineral can hardly be extracted from the medicinal herb with normal tap water. Will dried field horsetail with boiling water for one

tea poured over it, the proportion of silicic acid in the water increases eightfold. For this purpose, the infusion should simmer gently for another hour. Only then is the tea poured off. Enjoy the tea warm between meals. If you have kidney or heart failure, you should not drink horsetail tea.


Cook horsetail tea in advance

The preparation of tea from horsetail is quite complex and takes a long time. However, you can easily prepare a larger portion and keep it in the fridge for 24 hours. The effect of the mineral is not restricted by this. So you have a supply and can heat it up freshly as required.

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