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How high can a beech hedge grow?

A trimmed beech hedge can reach a maximum height of 400cm, while untrimmed specimens can grow to 1000cm or more. With annual growth of 30 to 50 cm, beech hedges are among the fast-growing hedge plants.

What height can a beech hedge reach?

A beech hedge can have a maximum height of 400 cm reach if you cut back the hedge plants annually. Your beech hedge will be uncut 1000 cm or higher.

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These height specifications apply to a beech hedges and a hornbeam hedge. The common beech (Fagus sylvatica) belongs to the beech genus (Fagus). The hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is a native birch family (Betulaceae). Both deciduous trees can reach a height of 30 meters in the wild. Through a regular pruning the pruning-tolerant shrubs branch out and do not form a thick trunk. This is how the well-known, representative beech hedges are created.

How fast does a beech hedge grow?

With an annual increase of 30 cm to 50 cm the beech hedge is one of them

growth rockets under the hedge plants. Of course, it will take a few years for your beech hedge to reach the desired height as a privacy screen. With these measures, you can increase the height a little accelerate:

  • Beech hedge in March and June fertilize with compost and horn shavings.(€50.00 at Amazon*)
  • Thinning and shaping in February.
  • Care cut in summer.
  • stage guide build-up cut from hornbeam hedge and beech hedge: Leave 10 cm from the previous growth on the hedge crown until you reach the desired height.


Match the planting distance to the height of the beech hedge

The beech hedge does not become a bone of contention with the neighbors if you keep the legally prescribed limit distance. Ask the responsible office before you plant your copper beech or hornbeam hedge plant. In most federal states, hedges up to a height of 200 cm must be at least 50 cm away from the property line retain. A limit distance of at least 100 cm is prescribed for higher hedges.

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