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Can you keep a banana tree outside?

In fact, you can even leave some bananas out through the winter months. Especially the Japanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo) is considered sufficient hardy and tolerates temperatures down to minus ten degrees Celsius. In the summer months all bananas, on the other hand, feel comfortable outside.

Which banana tree can you overwinter outside?

Who an exotic banana tree for planting outside in the garden is with the Japanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo) good advice. The fast-growing foliage plant can grow up to five meters high and two meters wide - as long as it doesn't get too cold in the winter months, because then the above-ground parts of the plant freeze return. Musa basjoo forms a pseudo trunk and spreading fronds. With a little bit of luck blooms the exotic even and forms small, edible fruits. This type of banana can also be cultivated well in large tubs and in the winter garden.

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  • plant banana
  • Banana plant in the garden
  • water the banana tree
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How much cold can a banana tree tolerate?


Japanese fiber banana, the banana tree most often kept outside in Germany, can generally tolerate temperatures of up to minus ten degrees Celsius. However, there are major differences between the various cultivars in terms of frost tolerance.

Most other bananas, however, need one tropical climate with lots of heat and high humidity all year round. This is why these species are only lost outside in the hot summer months and should otherwise be cultivated in the conservatory or as a houseplant indoors.

How do you take care of a banana tree outside during the winter?

However, you should also use the frost hardy banana tree in winter not without protection put outside. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Cut You Musa basjoo except for approx. one meter down.
  • Drive three to four wooden stakes into the ground around the dummy trunk.
  • Cover these with tightly woven rabbit wire.
  • Fill the jig with straw, wood shavings and leaves

Do not stuff the filling too tightly so that the air can still circulate between the surroundings and the trunk. You can also use a thick layer on the root area mulching material cover and such protect from cold. Typically, the leaves freeze off in winter, only the trunk remains and sprout again in spring.

Can you put the banana tree outside in summer?

You can put a banana tree that is not hardy outside in the summer, provided that the Sun seems and it warm is enough. However, the plants do not like cold, wind and continuous rain and should be brought in again in such weather.

Banana plants need a lot of light, so get one if possible sunny and sheltered location is optimal. After a certain period of adjustment, bananas also tolerate a place in full sun very well, provided they are sufficiently cultivated pours.


Why do banana tree leaves turn brown?

Brown leaves on the banana tree are often an indication that the plant is not getting enough light. Place them in a place that is as sunny and warm as possible, of course only after a period of getting used to them. With a sudden change, even bananas can get sunburned.