An effective remedy against aphids

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how helps field horsetail against aphids?

Field horsetail works against aphids because the silicic acid and potassium it contains strengthen the cell walls and structure of the plants. A decoction of 1 kg of fresh or 150 g of dried field horsetail, one onion and one clove of garlic heated and filtered in 10 liters of water helps when spraying the plants.

field horsetail contains many positive active ingredients. Among other things, horsetail also has a high proportion of silica and potassium. These substances strengthen cell walls and cell structure, protecting them from invaders such as aphids.

Field horsetail must be stored in water for a long time or cook at high temperatures, to the to dissolve silica. In general, this mineral is sparingly soluble in water. Therefore you should make a brew with Ackerschachteilhalm. The affected plant is sprayed with the cooled liquid.

For a broth made from field horsetail against aphids 1 kg fresh or 150 g dried field chess stalk doused with an onion and a clove of garlic along with 10 liters of boiling water. The mixture must then continue to simmer for at least an hour. After cooling, the broth is filtered. Then the Ackerschachteilhalmbouth can be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5 and, for example, for your

roses be used. You can keep the brew in the fridge for about a week.


Horsetail manure as an alternative to the brew

Manure made from field horsetail can also be used against aphids. To do this, make a normal liquid manure and leave it in as sunny a place as possible for at least 3 weeks. When the liquid manure is ready and there are no more bubbles, filter and mix 1 liter of liquid manure with 10 liters of irrigation water. The plants absorb the silicic acid from the irrigation water via their roots.

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