Enjoy dried physalis: Healthy and delicious in everyday life

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Are dried physalis healthy?

Dried physalis are considered healthy because they numerous vitamins, minerals and trace elements contain. The fruits deliver you significant amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Beta-carotene is important for the eyes and skin, vitamin C for the immune system.

How does dried physalis affect health?

Dried physalis can itself positive affect health. The fruit contain many valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements:

  • vitamin C
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, folic acid)
  • vitamin E
  • Beta carotene (provitamin A)
  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sodium
  • iron
  • zinc
  • many flavonoids

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These ingredients are important for various functions in the human organism. For example, vitamin C strengthens our immune system, while beta-carotene among others the Eyesight, skin and mucous membranes as well as iron metabolism supports. The berries of the physalis bring these two substances with them in considerable quantities.

When are dried physalis particularly healthy?

In order to benefit from dried physalis in the best possible way in terms of health, you should choose products that have been manufactured to a high quality when you buy them. A very gentle drying process is elementary so that the dried fruit actually retains most of its potentially health-promoting ingredients. In addition, it is recommended to use dried physalis in organic quality preferred in order to minimize the risk of pollution.


Dry physalis yourself – that’s how it works

Dried physalis are commercially available. You can also dry the fruit yourself:

1. Spread the berries evenly on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
2. Dry on the middle rack with the oven door slightly open at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius.
3. Turn the fruit carefully every now and then.

The drying process can take 20 to 30 hours due to the high water content.