Physalis with purple leaves

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Why do physalis leaves turn purple?

The lilac coloring of the leaves is due to the contained anthocyanins attributed and serves the Physalis as sun protection. she is a natural reaction and often occurs when the plant is immediately exposed to direct sun after propagation or wintering indoors.

What Causes Purple Leaves on Physalis?

When Physalis leaves turn purple, it is usually one natural reaction to sunlight. Those contained in the sheet anthocyanins (secondary plant substances) ensure the purple color and absorb UV light, so they the Reduce UV stress for the plant.

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Whether after cultivation or the hibernate: If you expose a physalis directly to the sun (again) after several months indoors, this often overwhelms the plant at first. While she's a sunbather, she wants herself gradually get used to the intense radiation.

What to do if physalis leaves turn purple

As a rule, the leaves of a physalis are purple no cause for concern. However, you should give the plant the opportunity to get used to direct sunlight step by step.

Adjust your physalis according to the time indoors initially in the penumbra and first something later in full sun, which you rightly intended for the light and warmth-loving nightshade plant.


Cut off purple leaves on the physalis? Does not have to be…

One often reads and hears that hobby gardeners cut off the purple leaves of their physalis because they fear a disease or pest as the cause - usually unfounded. Since the purple color of the plant usually serves as a natural sunscreen, you can leave the leaves on. As soon as the plant has gotten used to the sun, the discoloration stops.

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