How to keep snails away!

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Do snails like to eat the blue daisy?

snails like to eat the flower buds, stems and leaves of the blue daisy. For this reason, when cultivating outdoors, care should be taken to keep the snails away from the blue daisy. This can be done using barriers, slug pellets(€19.00 at Amazon*) and deterrent plants happen.

Why do snails like the blue daisy?

The leaves of Blue Daisy are extreme tender and soft. They do not contain any undesirable substances for snails, but are well tolerated by them. In addition, they are nutritious and present in excess. The stems and flower buds of this Australian plant are also popular with snails.

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  • blue-daisy
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Can snails harm the blue daisy?

Snails can eat the blue daisy dangerous become, insofar as the blue daisy is still very young and amgrowing up is. If it is still small and barely established at the site, it runs the risk of being eaten bare by the snails and dying. Therefore, it makes sense to protect the blue daisy outdoors from snail damage.

Which plants protect the blue daisy from snails?

Strongly scented herbs such as thyme, rosemary, sage, savory, and chamomile can keep slugs away from the blue daisy. But that is not guaranteed. If the snails are hungry enough, they like to overcome the herbs to get to the coveted food.

In addition to the herbs are also some flowering perennials suitable to treat Brachyscoma iberidifolia or To protect Brachyscome multifida from snails. Flowers that snails don't like, are among other:

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Simply place the slug-deterrent plants around the blue daisy to keep it from being eaten.

How to get rid of snails on blue daisies?

If snails are already present on the blue daisy, this is the only thing that will help collect this. Additionally you can slug pellets lay out around the plant so that no other snails have access to this laid table. Also a snail fence can be effective outdoors to protect the plant from snails.

What else protects the blue daisy from snails?

An extremely safe method of repelling snails is the blue daisy in the first place not to be planted outdoors. It is safe from snail damage, for example, on the balcony in a hanging basket,(€19.00 at Amazon*) in a balcony box or a pot. Snails have no access here.


Cover the ground around the blue daisy

Tired of snails once and for all? Then cover the ground around the blue daisy with pine needles, fern fronds, tomato leaves, coffee, lime or rock flour.(€12.00 at Amazon*) All of these remedies deter snails.

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