The best flowering shade plants

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How can I one bee pasture let arise in the shadow?

A bee pasture can be used in shady locations shade-tolerantperennials, ground covers and woody be created. Above all, the chosen plants should be plentiful and accessible nectar offer for the bees and ideally be in bloom for a long period of time.

Why is a bee pasture in the shade advantageous?

bees hold up like in the shade on to particular at heat to recharge your batteries and rest. In addition, a bee pasture in the shade makes sense, since shady areas are often neglected and only accommodate a few flowering and at the same time nectar-rich plants.

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Which ground covers are suitable for a bee pasture in the shade?

As Ground cover for a bee pasture are particularly suitable ivy, cranesbill, Carpet knotweed, golden strawberry and Corydalis. They cater to the bees as well bumblebees and other nectar-hungry insects a rich food source for many years. In addition, as early flowering, ground covering and perennial bee pasture also wood anemone, woodruff and forget Me Not suitable.

Are there trees and shrubs for a shady bee pasture?

There are someshrubs, which tolerate shade and produce a variety of bee-friendly flowers. There would be, for example Firethorn and the honeysuckle, both of which bloom in early summer. Furthermore, privet, snowberry, barberry, cornel and service pear as bee and insect friendly trees for the shade. Also Trees can be used as bee pasture serve as for example the mountain ash, bird cherry and horse chestnut.

Which shade perennials are predestined for a bee pasture?

Numerous shade perennials are also bee-friendly, which are often uncomplicated to care for and can even tolerate drought, whereby the following are particularly noteworthy: foam flower, Forest Aster, bluebells, thimbleand Bergenia. In addition to these perennials, other specimens also get along well with shady site conditions and offer bees a tasty food supply. Recommended are:

  • liverwort
  • Jacob's Ladder
  • anemones
  • gold nettle
  • silver leaf
  • deadnettle
  • Solomon's Seal
  • masterwort
  • astilbe

What soil does the bee pasture need in the shade?

For a bee pasture in the shade is a looser, more permeable and more nutritious suggest ground. Many shade perennials originally come from forests and therefore like a forest-typical soil that has an acidic environment.

How do you create a bee pasture in the shade?

Before the bee-friendly plants are placed in the ground in the shade or sown from seeds, the soil should be weed free and loosened up become. If the soil is very poor in nutrients, it can be supplemented with something. The shade plants for the bee pasture are finally sown in spring or planted in the ground as young plants until autumn.


Extend the flowering time of the shade plants for the bee pasture

In order to prolong the flowering time of many shade plants, it is advisable to cut off their faded inflorescences. It is best to inquire about the individual needs of each shade plant that you want to use as bee pasture.