The perfect hedge for your garden

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Why is the barberry a good hedge?

The barberry is particularly promising with its attractive foliage and red berries beautiful color accents. In addition, the common varieties do not grow too tall and the plant is right easy-care. Before planting, however, note that some parts of the plant are poisonous.

Which barberry do I use for hedge planting?

The Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii) and the Ordinary barberry (Berberis vulgaris) are well suited for hedge planting. Both varieties fit well into the regional flora and have beautiful foliage. Besides these barberry species you can also plant the evergreen barberry (berberis frikartii) as a hedge in the garden.

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How tall will the barberry grow as a hedge?

The height of the barberry falls depending on the variety different. The common barberry grows 2 to 2.5 meters high. But there are also dwarf shrubs that grow much smaller. Basically, the barberry is a pruning-tolerant plant. So you can adjust the height of the hedge by a

pruning control when using the barberry as a hedge plant. Also a topiary of the barberry hedge is possible.

Are there evergreen barberry hedges?

There are also evergreen varieties the barberry. The common barberry is deciduous and deciduous. With evergreen barberries like the Kugelbarberis, you have a variety whose leaves remain on the hedge plant even during the cold time of the year. If it is important to you that your hedge also promises a certain privacy protection during the winter, such a barberry is a good choice as a hedge.

Is the barberry hedge ecologically useful?

The barberry also has one as a hedge ecological benefits. The berries of the bush provide food for birds and other small animals during the cold season. The foliage of the barberry also offers insects such as bees shelter and food. The hedge promises a valuable habitat for some useful animals. This also speaks in favor of using the barberry as a hedge.


Accelerate growth with fertilizer

Give something during the warm time of the year Barberry Fertilizer at the location. So you can accelerate the growth of the plant if you planted the barberry as a hedge.