Toxic or not?

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Which parts of the barberry are poisonous?

The seed of the common barberry contain toxic substances. Also the root and the leaves contain toxic substances to varying degrees. However, the root bark can be used as a remedy if dosed correctly.

Basically only the Berry the Ordinary Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) non-toxic. From the others Types of barberry you shouldn't have any berries to harvest. And also with the common barberry there are only those barberry fruits edible. The leaves are sometimes used to make tea. However, this is usually only used for external applications.

Berberine is a poisonous alkaloid. The substance contained in the barberry affects the release of hormones and the energy balance. Berberine can trigger the following symptoms, among others:

If you have accidentally ingested poisonous parts of barberry and are already showing any of these symptoms, you should call a poison control center or doctor immediately. In addition to berberine, barberries also contain:

Contribute to cut the barberry solid protective gloves. These not only offer you protection against the sap of the barberry. They also protect your hands from the thorns the barberry. It is not without reason that the plant is also known as sour thorn. With this protective measure, however, pruning the beautiful shrub is not particularly difficult.


Also popular with birds

The red fruits of the barberry are also popular with some animals. Above all birds like to use it when the cold time of year sets in and there is no more food to be found on other plants. However, the fruits are not poisonous to animals. So you don't have to worry about their well-being.