Beard flower in a bed or bucket: this is how you combine them perfectly

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Which plants can you use? beard flower combine?
The bearded beard combines excellently with plants such as lavender, roses, goldcinquefoil, riding grass or panicle hydrangeas combine. Pay attention to similar location requirements, flowering times and contrasts in the flower colors for a harmonious overall picture.

What factors should be considered when combining the beard flower?

When combining the beard flower, consider the following factors in order to ultimately achieve visible visual pleasure:

  • flower color: light pink, violet, light blue or dark blue
  • heyday: August to October
  • Location Requirements: sunny, rather nutrient-poor and well-drained soil
  • growth height: up to 100 cm

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Since the bearded beard reaches an average height of a maximum of one meter, it is suitable for the foreground as well as for the middle area in the bed. Her companion plants can either be taller and stand behind her, just as tall and find a spot right next to her, or cover her flat at the root area.

Suitable combination partners are those who also prefer a sunny location and value well-drained soil that is never exposed to waterlogging.

You can combine the beard flower well with plants that already bloom in early summer, because at this time the beard flower already has an attractive foliage. Furthermore, she looks fantastic in the vicinity of plants that flower at the same time as her.

Combine bearded beard in the bed or in the bucket

In the background of the bearded beard, medium-high to high grasses such as the reed grass fit in aptly. For the foreground or the foot of the beard flower, on the other hand, is almost predestined for upholstery perennials. This is especially true if they have high-contrast flowers to those of the beard flower. Small flowering shrubs such as the blue rhombus harmonize at about the same level as the bearded beard.

The following candidates, among others, go well with the beard flower:

  • lavender
  • roses
  • riding grass
  • panicle hydrangeas
  • cranesbill
  • Gold Cinquefoil
  • High sedum
  • blue diamond

Combine beard flower with lavender

Both the beard flower and the lavender love a sunny and rather dry location. This combination is particularly impressive when you place a white-flowered lavender next to the beard flower. The white forms an unmistakable contrast to the typical blue to blue-violet of the beard flower. In addition, due to the different inflorescences, a certain balance is created.

Combine beard flower with roses

The combination of roses and beard flowers is extremely popular. But be careful: the roses need enough space for themselves. Therefore, keep a distance of about one meter between these plant partners. Small shrub and bed roses are particularly suitable for this interplay. To create contrasts, white, yellow, red or pink roses should be combined with blue beard flowers.

Combine beard flower with roses in the bucket

Combine bearded beard with golden cinquefoil

The bright yellow of the golden cinquefoil matches the beard flower. In addition, they have similar location requirements, because the golden cinquefoil can also handle dry soil and loves lots of sunshine. Plant the small golden cinquefoil as a ground cover in front of the beard flower.

Combine beard flower with gold cinquefoil in the bucket

Combine beard flower as a bouquet in the vase

As a cut flower, the beard flower harmonises with other late summer and late summer flowers autumn flowers. For example, create a bouquet of blue beard flowers, yellow roses and white fall daisies. With something gypsophila gives the bouquet that certain something.

  • roses
  • sunflowers
  • autumn daisies
  • gypsophila
  • chrysanthemums
Combine beard flower with roses and autumn daisies in the bed

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