Make your own calcium fertilizer for tomatoes

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Calcium fertilizer for tomatoes title

Tomatoes are among the lime-loving plants. If you suffer from a calcium deficiency, this damages the plant health. Learn how to make your own calcium fertilizer for tomatoes in this step-by-step guide.

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In a nutshell

  • Calcium fertilizer strengthens tomato plants
  • can be easily made from egg shells
  • give solid calcium fertilizer as long-term fertilizer
  • use liquid variant against blossom end rot

Table of contents

  • Calcium powder fertilizer for tomatoes
  • Produce
  • Use
  • Calcium liquid fertilizer for tomatoes
  • Produce
  • Use
  • frequently asked Questions

Calcium powder fertilizer for tomatoes

A calcium fertilizer made from crushed egg shells, often referred to as "powder fertilizer," is used to feed tomato plants slowly and over a period of time calcium to supply. Therefore, this fertilizer is used as a long-term fertilizer.

Calcium strengthens the tissues of tomato plants and strengthens the skin of the fruit. In addition, a good calcium supply prevents the dreaded blossom end rot.

Fertilize tomatoes

Notice: Water your tomato plants regularly with very

calcareous water, you should do without the calcium powder fertilizer so that the tomatoes are not over-fertilized.


The key ingredient in powdered calcium fertilizer for tomatoes is eggshells. You will also need a utensil such as a mortar to crush the shells. Learn how to make your own calcium fertilizer for tomato plants with the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Thoroughly wash eggshells inside and out under running tap water, removing all traces of albumen and yolk.
  2. Let the egg shells dry on paper towels in the sun for two to three days. Or place the shells on a baking tray and let them dry in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 5 to 10 minutes or in the microwave for 40 seconds.
  3. Crush the egg shells into small pieces, for example with a mortar. Alternatively, you can put the shells in a plastic bag and crush them with a meat mallet or rolling pin.

Stock up on eggshells by not throwing away shells that are left over from cooking or baking. Thoroughly clean the eggshells. Once dry, store the peels in a container.

Notice: Large pieces of eggshell, like those found in the garden against snails are used are not suitable as calcium fertilizer for tomatoes. It takes longer than the growing season of tomato plants to decompose coarse pieces.


Administering the extra portion of lime for tomatoes is as easy as making the fertiliser:

  • Spread crushed egg shells around the stem of the tomato plant
  • thin layer is sufficient
  • water the tomato as usual

If you find the eggshells annoying, you can also work the shells into the ground or use the following method:

  • poke a small hole with your index finger next to the trunk
  • add crushed egg shells
  • close
  • Water tomato plants as usual

Notice: Since the crushed egg shells slowly decompose, it is sufficient if you give the calcium powder fertilizer once during the growing season.

Calcium liquid fertilizer for tomatoes

While liquid calcium fertilizer for tomatoes can also be used for watering, it is commonly used to control blossom end rot.


To make the calcium liquid fertilizer for tomatoes, you need egg shells, water, a pot and, as with the solid variant, a utensil to crush the shells.

  1. Wash eggshells thoroughly under running tap water and allow to dry.
  2. Crush or pulverize the peels with a mortar, food processor or hand blender.
  3. 250 grams of the crushed egg shells or Mix eggshell powder with one liter of water.
  4. Bring the eggshell and water mixture to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes.
  5. For the cold version, let the mixture steep for 12 hours.
  6. Finally, the mixture is strained with a fine sieve or filter bag. If you have chosen the boiling variant, you must first allow the mixture to cool down before further use.
boiling water


In the fight against blossom end rot, the liquid calcium fertilizer is used for tomatoes sprayed on the leaves of the plant, as they absorb it more quickly:

  • Put liquid calcium fertilizer for tomatoes in a spray bottle
  • Sprinkle the leaves and fruit with it
  • Time of day: in the evening, when the sun's rays do not fall on the plant
  • Repeat the process every few days
Spray tomatoes

frequently asked Questions

Can I also make calcium fertilizer from boiled egg shells?

The shells of your breakfast egg can also be processed into calcium fertilizer for tomatoes. There is no difference in production to raw eggs.

How long does calcium fertilizer last?

You should not leave liquid calcium fertilizer for tomatoes for too long. On the one hand, the limescale settles at the bottom of the spray bottle and, on the other hand, it evaporates over time. This problem does not arise with the fixed variant. Store the crushed egg shells in a container that is dry and out of direct sunlight.

Which fertilizer do tomatoes not tolerate?

Although tomatoes are among the heavy consumers, they must not be fertilized on one side. If the fertilizer is nitrogen-rich, this makes the plants susceptible to pests, fungi and plant diseases such as blossom end rot. In the tub culture of tomatoes, you also do without the addition of horn shavings and fresh compost, as these fertilizers cannot be broken down due to the lack of microorganisms.

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