Common chicken diseases with symptoms + pictures

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Common chicken diseases - bird flu warning sign

Table of contents

  • colisepticemia
  • mange mites
  • avian tuberculosis
  • chicken sniffles
  • coccidia
  • Marek's disease
  • mycoplasmosis
  • Newcastle disease
  • Red mite
  • bird flu
  • worms
  • frequently asked Questions

Chickens are low-maintenance animals, but they are not immune to diseases. Parasites, viruses or bacteria can cause them problems and serious illnesses are even notifiable. Here you will find the most common chicken diseases with symptoms and pictures at a glance.

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This bacterial chicken disease is difficult to recognize because the causative bacterium Escherichia coli always found in small amounts in the intestinal tract of chickens. Both young and older chickens are affected.

Chicken with Colispetikäme
Source: Lucyin, Colibacilôze polet pindant d'l'aiye, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • Inflammation of the pericardium, air and yolk sacs and fallopian tubes
  • growth disorders
  • Apathy and ruffled feathers
  • early mortality


Good hygiene in the barn and regular deworming help to prevent colisepticemia. For older chickens there is the possibility to protect them with a vaccination. Acutely affected animals can be treated with an antibiotic. Due to the high mortality rate, it often makes more sense to save the animals before they have to suffer for a long time.

mange mites

This is a parasitic chicken disease. Foot mange mites nest in the top layer of skin on chicken legs. The legs become whitish and a thick bark develops. Therefore, this chicken disease is often referred to as "calcified legs".

Chicken with lime legs
Source: Hedwig Stork, 1024 Chicken-2872, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 4.0


  • Legs get fatter
  • problems walking


You should first thoroughly clean the coop and treat it with heat, which will kill the mites. The animals' feet are softened with a soft soap solution and then treated with an anti-mite agent. The softening allows the anti-mite agent to penetrate the crusty skin better.

avian tuberculosis

Avian tuberculosis is triggered by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium. One problem with this bacterial chicken disease is that the pathogen can survive for years and repeatedly infect animals. For this reason, the disease is notifiable.


  • Decrease in chest muscles
  • general malaise


There is no treatment for avian tuberculosis. The animals die from internal bleeding. To get rid of the disease only helps to kill the entire stock and create a new flock, after the entire area where the chickens have been cleaned and disinfected became. Chicken keepers can get a test from veterinarians to be able to diagnose the disease in good time.

chicken sniffles

The trigger of this bacterial chicken disease is the bacterium Avibacterium paragallinarum. The disease is contagious and it is advisable to treat the entire flock preventively, even if individual animals are not yet showing any symptoms.


  • swollen sinuses
  • inflamed conjunctiva
  • nasal discharge
  • beak breathing
  • reduced laying performance
  • loss of appetite
  • Animals have fallen asleep


  • barn or Keep litter dry
  • Avoid drafts
  • Treatment with antibiotics by the veterinarian


Comprehensive hygiene measures are an important part of treatment and prevention. Clean and disinfect the stall on a regular basis.


Coccidia mainly attack young poultry or Chick. The parasites settle in the intestines, causing problems with the absorption of nutrients.

Chicken with coccidia
Source: Lucyin, Coccidiôze sblarixhaedje houfès plomes, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • blood in the feces
  • fluffed plumage


Mortality, particularly in chicks, is high. On average, 80% of the pups do not survive, which is why prompt treatment is necessary.

  • separate animals
  • Medication by a vet is mandatory

Marek's disease

Marek's disease affects chicks up to 13 weeks of gestation. life week. Occasionally older animals are affected by the viral disease. However, the mortality rate decreases sharply with increasing age.

Young hen with Marek's disease
Source: Lucyin, Maladeye Marek pate sitindowe divant, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • movement disorders
  • signs of paralysis
  • strong weight loss
  • pustular skin changes
  • tumor-like growths on internal organs


Marek's disease is notifiable. There is currently no treatment for this viral infection. It is possible to vaccinate chicks against it in the first days of life.


Mycoplasmosis primarily affects chickens whose immune systems have already been compromised by another disease. The bacterial chicken disease is favored by poor hygiene and stress in the barn.

Chicken with mycoplasmosis
Source: Василюк Олексій, Мікоплазмоз у курей Ломан Браун, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 4.0


  • inflamed conjunctiva
  • nasal discharge
  • eye discharge


Treatment of mycoplasmosis with medication is usually not necessary. Pre-existing conditions are primarily treated and hygiene improved. Also, try to keep the stress on the animals as low as possible. A larger flock is separated, allowing the animals to relax and recover faster.

Newcastle disease

Newcastle disease occurs mainly in private chicken farmers, as they prefer not to vaccinate their animals. There is no treatment for the viral disease because the animals die within a few days. This chicken disease is also notifiable and in the event of an outbreak, the authorities will order the entire flock to be killed to prevent it from spreading.

Greenish diarrhea in Newcastle disease
Greenish diarrhea in Newcastle disease
Source: Lucyin, Fasse pesse des poyes vete schite, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 4.0


  • apathetic behavior
  • loss of appetite
  • (greenish) diarrhea
  • shortness of breath
  • dark colored crest

A notice:

To avoid financial damage and possible penalties, you should always have your chickens vaccinated.

Red mite

Fowl red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) is a parasite that often infests chickens that are weakened by bacterial or viral infestations. The mites are difficult to find because during the day they hide in the cracks of laying nests or perches.

Red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae)
Source: AW, Dermanyssus gallinae mite, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 2.5


  • unrest in the stable
  • feather pecking
  • cannibalism
  • Drop in performance when laying
  • Blood spatters on eggshells
  • flabbiness


Mites are contagious and can quickly spread throughout the barn, so you should act quickly:

  • thermal treatment of the rooms with hot air or flaming (temperature over 60 °C)
  • Treatment of the animals with a suitable anti-mite agent from the veterinarian

Mites are often introduced through the purchase of pullets or chicks from purchased hatching eggs. Before introducing such animals into the flock, they should be kept in a separate area for at least three to four weeks. Check the chickens for diseases and parasites daily to avoid introduction.

bird flu

Poultry farmers are now confronted with bird flu and the preventive protective measures almost every year. The risk of infection is particularly high in spring, when migratory birds return from their winter quarters. For this reason, both commercial and private keepers in the endangered regions are obliged to keep poultry in stables. If there is a free run, then this must be designed in such a way that any contact with wild birds is excluded.

Young chicken with bird flu
Source: Lucyin, Gripe poyes H9N2 poyons 22dj houmaedje betch å lådje ouy mitan clôs, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 4.0


  • indifference
  • loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • shortness of breath
  • reduced laying performance


The mortality rate from bird flu is high. There is an obligation to report this disease under the Animal Diseases Act. If a chicken in the herd tests positive for bird flu, no treatment is given and the chickens are killed in an animal-friendly manner. In addition, a protection zone is set up around the affected barn to prevent it from spreading.


There are different types of worms that can affect chickens. As a result, the symptoms can vary. However, the treatment of the parasites is always the same: the barn is thoroughly cleaned and the veterinarian treats the animals against worms.

Worms in chickens - Ascaridia galli
The roundworm Ascaridia galli often occurs as a parasite in chickens.
Source: Chhandama, Ascaridia galli, Edited by Home Garden, CC BY-SA 3.0


  • shaggy plumage
  • Diarrhea
  • reluctance to eat
  • shortness of breath
  • frequent secondary diseases due to weakening of the immune system

Worms are highly contagious, so you should separate animals that appear sick from the flock. Transmission can not only take place through farm animals, wild birds, which can also be at the feeding station or in the outdoor area, can bring in the worms.

A notice:

To prevent worm infestation, you should regularly deworm your chickens under the supervision of a veterinarian.

frequently asked Questions

How do I know if my chicken is sick?

The first sign that something is wrong is a change in the animal's behavior. It appears lethargic, separates itself from the group, and consumes less food and water than usual. In hens, the laying performance often decreases. You should consult the veterinarian at the latest if you experience symptoms such as sneezing, breathing difficulties and/or diarrhea.

Are Chicken Diseases Transmissible to Humans?

Yes, some diseases can be transmitted to humans, mostly in people who already have a weakened immune system. An example of a disease that can be transmitted to humans is avian tuberculosis.

How often do chickens have to go to the vet?

Chicks should be taken to the vet every two to three weeks for the first two to three months of life. With increasing age, the frequency of visits to the vet can be reduced. Adult chickens should be examined by a veterinarian on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. How high the frequency is depends on the size of the group. Larger flocks of poultry should be visited by the vet more frequently. Necessary vaccinations as well as preventive therapies such as deworming can be carried out in the course of the vet visits.

author Mirko

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