Non-Toxic Houseplants: 13 Plants for Babies, Kids, and Pets

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Table of contents

  • Be careful when buying
  • Blue Lizzie
  • triplet flower
  • fuchsia
  • antler fern
  • gloxinia
  • basket marante
  • mosaic plant
  • slipper flower
  • penny tree
  • rosette thickleaf
  • shamflower
  • tapir flower
  • African violets

Pets and children do not know which plants are poisonous. While babies and toddlers discover their environment through smell, touch and taste, pets follow their natural instincts. So it can happen that the darlings consume plant parts. Opt for indoor plants that do not develop any toxic ingredients. There are numerous ferns, green plants, succulents and flowering plants that are non-toxic to humans and animals.

video tip

Be careful when buying

Plants from hardware stores and garden centers are often fertilized before they are sold so that they thrive in full bloom. The residues of the fertilizers can settle on the substrate or accumulate with water residues in the planter. Although many houseplants are considered non-toxic to babies, children, and pets, you should be aware of this danger. If you are unsure, ask your dealer or buy your plants from certified organic specialist companies.


Preferred plants are treated with insecticides, fungicides or wax. These substances can lead to symptoms of poisoning after the consumption of plant parts.

Blue Lizzie

Blue Lieschen - Exacum affine
Photo by David J. rod, Exacum affine 4zz, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0

Also known as bitter leaf, the plant develops numerous blue-purple flowers that attract attention in a bright and shady spot. Exacum affine don't like wet feet. The delicate plant also does not tolerate drought, which is why regular watering units are part of the care obligation. The blue Lieschen is considered a permanent bloomer and is cultivated once a year. It turns out to be the perfect plant for households where pets live. There is also no danger for babies and small children.

triplet flower

Triplet flower - bougainvillea

Bougainvillea glabra is an evergreen climber with aesthetic flowers. The tropical plants love light conditions and need high humidity. In the pot, the triplet develops into a lively flower decoration. Regular watering and fertilizing provides this exotic plant with optimal growth conditions. It is not only suitable for beautifying conservatories, but also adorns bright window sills facing west or east. The aesthetic flowers tempt to taste. There is no danger to humans or animals, even if the tasty flowers are accidentally eaten.


Fuchsia - fuchsia

species of the genus fuchsia convince with magnificently colored flowers. The exotic plants develop their full flowering splendor in bright locations away from the direct sun. Fuchsias prefer temperatures between 16 and 24 degrees Celsius and are therefore perfect as houseplants. None of their plant parts contain toxic active ingredients, so there is no danger to babies or pets. If you pay attention to a sufficiently high humidity and keep the substrate constantly moist, your fuchsia will develop into a lush flowering perennial. These species bear dark and juicy fruits used in England for baking:

  • Fuchsia excorticata
  • Fuchsia corymbifolia
  • Fuchsia magellanica 'Globosa' and 'Tresco'
  • Fuchsia venusta
  • Fuchsia splendens 'Karl Hartweg'
  • Fuchsia procumbens

antler fern

Antler Fern - Platycerium bifurcatum

Platycerium bifurcatum develops an extraordinary growth habit. The spore plant bears arching hanging leaf fronds, on the underside of which spores develop. Its typical antler-like shape gave the plant its German name. Antler ferns develop so-called mantle leaves that protectively cover the rhizome. The leaves wither over time, providing the plant with nutrients. When cultivating, you must ensure that the humidity is high so that the fern can thrive. It is non-toxic to babies, children, and pets, as are the following ferns:

  • spleenwort (asplenium)
  • sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
  • tree fern (Pteridaceae)
  • maidenhair fern (adiantum)
  • shield fern (Polystichum falcatum)


Climbing Gloxinia - Lophospermum erubescens

species of the genus sinningia are aesthetic plants for decorating interiors, which can be placed in children's rooms without hesitation. Pets can also be left alone with the plant. The herbaceous plants develop shaggy stems and strikingly large leaves that sit on long stalks. Its flowers appear bell-shaped and sit singly or in clusters. The gloxinia thrives in a bright location with diffuse sunlight in the morning and evening hours. It requires regular watering and medium humidity.

basket marante

Calathea makoyana, Korbmarante

Corianders belong to the botanical genus calathea. They develop variegated and colorfully patterned foliage and are real eye-catchers in shady corners. With around 300 different species, the Calathea genus stimulates the development of new collecting passions. Since they are non-toxic to pets and humans, basket marants make ideal houseplants. The care is easy. Basket marants like high humidity and should be wetted with water regularly. Make sure the substrate is consistently moist and pour off the water from the saucer so that no moisture accumulates. These types are particularly aesthetic:

  • Calathea makoyana
  • Calathea lancifolia
  • Calathea rufibarba

mosaic plant

Fittonia Verschaffeltii, Fittonia, Mosaic Plant

The Fittonia thrives optimally at constant temperatures and high humidity. The indoor plants prefer a bright location where taller plants protect them from direct sunlight. Sufficient moisture is the basic requirement for magnificent growth. The sensitive roots do not tolerate waterlogging. The non-toxic species belong to the acanthus family and develop dark green foliage that is notable for its white to purplish-purple veining. For lovers of South American tropical plants who live in a household with pets or children, these species are the right choice:

  • silver mesh sheet (Fittonia albivenis)
  • Small mosaic plant (Fittonia albivenis minima)
  • Red-leaved Fittonia (Fittonia Verschaffeltii var. verraffeltii)
  • Large-leaved Fittonia (Fittonia Verschaffeltii var. pearcei)

slipper flower

Slipper Flowers - Calceolaria

The room slipper flower (Calceolaria herbeohybrida) proves to be a magnificent eye-catcher during its flowering period. The buds bloom almost tirelessly and exude a summery atmosphere in the room. The yellow, orange or red flowering varieties, which often develop aesthetic flower patterns, thrive in bright locations. They are welcome to lie in the sun if sufficient ventilation is provided. The plant does not like strong drafts. Although the beauty is only cultivated as an annual, it is a worthwhile plant. All parts of the plant are considered non-toxic to cats, dogs and children.

penny tree

Money Tree - Crassula

The thick-leafed plant known as the money tree with the botanical name Crassula ovata is often given away as a symbolic lucky charm. The plant stores water and nutrients in its thick leaves. The plant, originally from South Africa, reaches heights of growth of up to two meters in its natural habitat. As a houseplant in pot culture, the penny tree stays lower. It can be safely cultivated in households with cats, small children or babies, as all parts of the plant are non-toxic. The plant does well in a bright and sunny location. Between spring and autumn, the plant enjoys regular and penetrating watering sessions.

rosette thickleaf

Rosette thickleaf - evergreen - Aeonium arboreum

The ever leaf (Aeonium arboreum) belongs to the succulent family and develops rosette-shaped leaves. They are densely packed and have the ability to store water in their tissues. This makes the leaves appear thick and firm. The succulents prefer a sunny location all year round. Darker places make the leaves fade. The rosette succulent very rarely develops flowers in old age. Aeonium arboreum is cultivated as a green plant in pots and can be safely placed in households with pets or children, as the plant parts are not poisonous. If you keep the substrate slightly moist, the evergreen proves to be a robust houseplant.


Pubic flower - Aeschynanthus

Aeschynanthus speciosus develops aesthetic corollas that appear bright red or yellow with a red gradient, depending on the variety. The inside of the flower is patterned white in some cultivated forms. The overgrown crown forms the perfect contrast to the dark red colored sepals. Shamrocks are popular houseplants in homes with small children or pets. Their care is a bit more complex. Mushrooms need high humidity and should be sprayed several times a day to keep their leaves from turning yellow. The evergreen plant reacts to temperature fluctuations by suddenly shedding flowers. The exotic plant feels at home in partially shaded locations in the home.

tapir flower

Tapir flower - Crossandra infundibuliformis

Behind this beauty hides the species Crossandra infundibuliformis, which develops salmon pink to orange flowers. Their petals form an aesthetic contrast to the dark green colored leaves. This exotic plant is still unknown as a houseplant, although it requires little care. The tapir flower requires a light location where the thermometer does not rise above 18 degrees Celsius. Water the plant regularly so that it can fully develop its flowers. If pets or children are tempted to eat the flowers, there is no danger. Tapir flowers are non-toxic.

African violets

hybrid of the species Saintpaula ionatha are among the most popular indoor plants, because their compact growth and the strikingly large flowers evoke associations with small bouquets of flowers. The violet-blue flowers rise above a sea of ​​velvety leaves. The plant is non-toxic and suitable for beautifying children's rooms and balconies, which serve as a playground for velvet paws. The African violet forgives care mistakes with difficulty. Look for a bright location where there is no direct sunlight. High humidity promotes healthy growth.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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