Maggots in the bio bin

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Maggots in the garbage can
Maggots in the garbage can

table of contents

  • Maggot Definition
  • Biowaste definition
  • causes
  • Location
  • Fight naturally
  • Precaution
  • After emptying
  • Odor killer
  • No chemistry
  • Use of maggots

Almost every household has had at least one organic waste bin since the introduction of waste separation, although there is no obligation to use it. This is where the organic waste is collected. Unfortunately, especially in the warm season of the year, these barrels attract tons of vermin, which like to lay their eggs here, from which the unpleasant maggots hatch. However, effective control and prevention are possible in various ways. So you don't have to do without the organic waste bin.

Maggot Definition

Where do the maggots come from, which insects do the unpopular visitors to the organic waste bin usually come from? These are larvae, from which various insects such as mosquitoes and flies, but also others, develop after a while. As a rule, the larvae in the organic waste bin are fly larvae, but various beetles also lay their eggs here. The maggots are already in the second stage, as they hatch from the previously laid eggs of flies. However, there are also types of flies, such as the blow fly, which the maggots give birth to and which are then deposited in the organic waste bin.

There is also the following to say about maggots:

  • feed on digester gases
  • these are mainly developed in the organic waste bin in summer
  • therefore the flies deposit their brood here
  • the maggots hatch from eggs after just one day
  • move forward with crawling gait
  • They have developed into flies after just three to five days
  • then these sexually mature specimens lay new eggs
  • this is up to 150 eggs

A true invasion of maggots can occur within a few days from a single fly that has found its way into the compost bin, if no direct action is taken against it, depending on the cycle in which the organic waste bin is emptied, it can lead to a mass of maggots, and A plague of flies is inevitable in such a case, because every time the bin is opened, the adult flies escape.

Biowaste definition

The organic waste bin, which either has a brown lid or is brown overall, was developed as part of the waste separation process, but is not an absolute must in cities. It can be equated with the compost heap that many hobby gardeners have created in a garden corner. Only organic waste is disposed of here.

Fighting maggots in the organic waste bin

These include:

  • Kitchen waste such as potato peels
  • other peels or unusable parts of fruit and vegetables
  • Lawn clippings
  • other perishable waste that degrades

Sausage and leftover meat also belong to the perishable waste category, but they should not be disposed of in the organic waste bin but rather thrown into the residual waste.


Causes of maggot formation

The organic waste decomposes very slowly. And that is where the problem lies, because decomposition produces putrefactive gases. The maggots in turn feed on these. If a bio bin is now open or is opened to throw in more rubbish, these putrefactive gases get outside and attract the flies. These put their eggs, from which the maggots hatch within a day, directly into the organic waste. After a few days, maggots and green blowflies can multiply explosively. Anyone who is now thinking about disposing of organic waste in the residual waste will, however, have to struggle with the same problem in summer. But there are home remedies and natural control methods that can be used against the strong formation of maggots.

Maggots in the organic waste bin have various causes


Especially in summer, in the warm to hot periods, it is important to find the ideal location for organic waste. A shady place should always be chosen in any case. Because in direct sunlight and high temperatures, the putrefaction process is intensified, and the maggots can develop even better in the warm climate of the bin. However, just choosing a shady location will of course not prevent the maggot infestation. In summer, a cool, closed cellar or a cool garage is the ideal place for the organic waste bin. If the other measures presented here are also taken, the maggot population in the bin can be extremely contained.

When looking for a location, the following should also be considered:

  • not outside near the house
  • the flies are unsanitary
  • can penetrate into living rooms and kitchens
  • Unpleasant smells also penetrate the apartment when it is opened

Fight naturally

If maggots have been found in the bin, it is usually impossible to wait for the next emptying and action must be taken. The easiest way here is of course to pick up the maggots with your hands and dispose of them. But this is usually associated with a lot of disgust and not everyone likes to touch the creeping and teeming structures, even if gloves are worn here. However, the following natural remedies can be used against the maggots.

Fight maggots in the organic waste bin with natural means
  • Fill in cat litter, dried grass or hay
  • covers the putrefaction gases
  • at the same time removes moisture from the bin
  • Sprinkle salt over the maggots
  • removes moisture from the fly larvae
  • they come in

Conventional rock flour or simple lime also have a drying effect, especially on the maggots. In the event of an infestation, lime or rock flour can be obtained from well-stocked gardening shops and poured into the bin that is already filled with waste. These natural substances do not harm the environment when they are emptied, but they can effectively fight the maggots.

Making a natural spray

In order not to have to use insect sprays and thus the chemical club against the maggots, various Sprays are made from home remedies yourself, with which the annoying fly larvae are sensibly combated can.

The following solutions are available for this:

  • boiled pepper water
  • the more pepper, the more effective
  • spray directly on the maggots
  • Vinegar solution
  • has a corrosive effect on fly larvae and maggots of all kinds
Organic waste bin needs the right location

It is also often recommended to use detergent to combat the maggots. But since this is organic waste that is also disposed of biologically after emptying, this is not a good, biological solution. Because detergents are not natural but still a chemical product that should not be used here for the sake of the environment.

Fight with predators

Maggots also have natural predators. And if these are used correctly, they can combat the maggot infestation in the organic waste bin, but this can also have disadvantages. Because for this the bio bins have to be left open. Birds in particular enjoy the maggots that are delicious for them in the early morning hours, but this can also lead to the following undesirable events.

  • rats and mice are also attracted
  • Birds pick up wrapped garbage
  • Flies have the opportunity to lay further eggs
  • therefore open tons only for one two hours in the morning
  • however, you have to get up early for this
  • because birds are active very early in summer

Anyone who owns a pond or aquarium can of course also pick up the maggots and use them as fish feed. Reptiles are also happy about this kind of live food, which in this way does not have to be bought in stores and is so much cheaper.


There are some precautionary measures that should be taken in the empty and cleaned bin. So the edges and the lid can be rubbed with vinegar essence, since neither the flies nor the maggots like this pungent smell. In such a case, however, the bin should not be in the immediate vicinity of the house, otherwise These vinegar smells, which are also unpleasant for humans, penetrate the house or the terrace and the Balcony. A cloth with fragrances that neither flies nor maggots like can be attached under the lid. In addition, the following can be done to prevent maggot infestation.

Maggots in the bio bin are a nuisance
  • Always wrap organic waste in newspaper
  • Compostable paper bags are also allowed
  • Of course, plastic bags have to be avoided
  • The paper from magazines or greaseproof paper does not degrade

Newsprint or compostable paper bags also degrade over time. Above all, however, they absorb the liquid from the waste. So there is less rot formation. Thorough cleaning after emptying the bin is also made easier, as no liquid usually settles on the floor once all the waste has been wrapped up. After emptying, a thick layer of newspaper can be applied to the floor before the first garbage is put in. Cat litter has also proven itself here. This keeps the bin clean to a certain extent and maggots do not like it.

Empty frequently

Of course, it is up to the respective municipality in which cycle the organic waste is collected and emptied. In some cities this can take up to four weeks. But even if the bin is not quite full, it should always be emptied. Because in this way the maggots are often not given the opportunity to develop.

After emptying

After emptying - measures

Measures should also be taken immediately after emptying by the municipal garbage disposal. So it makes sense to clean the bin first after it has been completely emptied. Because the putrefactive liquid on the floor and residues on the edges and walls immediately attract the new flies to lay their eggs and thus attract the maggots again before the bin is even filled again.

The bio bin should be cleaned as follows after each emptying:

  • Rinse thoroughly with a garden hose
  • A high-pressure cleaner has also proven its worth here
  • alternatively with a watering can
  • To do this, turn the bio bin around
  • this way residues can drain off easily
  • let dry well
  • Now and then rub out with quicklime
  • this avoids unpleasant smells
Maggots in the organic waste bin are unpopular visitors

Gloves and a face mask should be worn when cleaning up with quicklime, as it is not entirely safe to inhale it. The skin should also not come into contact with the material. After rubbing out, the barrel is rinsed well with water and completely dried out in the sun.

Odor killer

Natural odor killers

The flies are primarily attracted by the putrid smell emanating from the bin and then lay their eggs here because they assume that the hatching maggots are a good source of food because of this smell Find. Therefore, the odor in particular should be contained and avoided. However, especially with the summer temperatures, there can be a very extreme odor development. However, various natural means can be used to counteract this.

  • Baking soda is a very powerful tool
  • Line the floor with newspapers and add baking soda
  • a few tablespoons are sufficient here
  • if the bin is made of metal, then caution is advised
  • Material can be attacked by baking soda
  • better to put a small container of baking soda on the floor
  • Put crushed charcoal on the floor to prevent odors
  • Fresh coffee powder also helps against odor development

Vinegar is also helpful, with which the organic waste bin is thoroughly scrubbed with water after emptying and rinsing. will. It is somewhat more dangerous, but just as effective, to clean the bin with bleach. To do this, four liters of water are mixed with three cups of bleach. A brush with a long handle should be used for mixing and scrubbing, and the skin should also be protected with gloves. Let the mixture work for an hour, then scrub the bin well and then let the bin dry in the sun. Odor-producing organisms are destroyed by the resulting ultraviolet rays.

Empty the bio bin regularly to prevent maggots

Other measures

If you like to use the organic waste bin often, you should invest some money to avoid the maggot infestation. There are lids for the bins that have an integrated bio-filter and are available in well-stocked specialist shops. The maggots are kept away in a natural way. However, the filter must be replaced every two years, but it prevents the flies from entering unnoticed when it is opened. Furthermore, the following cost-saving measures can also be taken.

  • Mixture of detergent, vinegar, water and fruit juice
  • or sticky sugar water
  • both attract flies
  • place these mixtures next to the bio bin
  • Flies get caught in it
  • this prevents eggs from being laid in the bin

A maggot infestation can also be prevented if a cotton cloth is attached to the lid of the bin, which comes with was soaked in various fragrances that the flies do not like and therefore do not fly into the bin when they do is opened. The cotton cloth is ideally soaked in vinegar, orange, tea tree or lavender oil. The fabric should be re-soaked regularly with the fragrances, as these can dissipate quickly and are then no longer of any use.

Effectively fight maggots in the organic waste bin

Use of organic waste bags

The use of organic waste bags is controversial and not permitted in every municipality. The bags, which are made from cornmeal, should be biodegradable and dissolve completely after a while. But this also takes time, these bags usually take eight weeks to break down. It can also happen that the bags already dissolve before the community collects the organic waste and leak into the organic waste bin, thus not fulfilling their purpose. Therefore, these bags should be consumed with caution in spite of everything. Before using it, you should also ask the local garbage collector whether these are actually permitted in your own municipality, so that a fine can be avoided in the event of a ban.

No chemistry

Better not to use a chemical club

The chemical club should always be avoided. Because of course the organic waste bin can also be sprayed with an insect spray if the maggots cavort here. The vapors developed in this way harm not only the annoying insects but also people, especially if children are too or free-range pets live in the household, care must always be taken that they are not in the vicinity of the organic waste bin stop. Under certain circumstances, the spray with the small particles can scatter very far into the environment and can therefore still be inhaled by people who are further away. Much more important to avoid chemical agents, however, are the following aspects.

  • harmful substances can get into the ground after emptying
  • so the environment is permanently impaired
  • because these substances also get into the groundwater from the earth
  • so the use of a "bio bin" is no longer given
  • this was used to protect nature
Maggots also have their uses

Use of maggots

Even if it sounds strange, maggots have some use in nature. They decompose animal carcasses, for example mice or birds in the wild. And rotting windfalls or autumn leaves are also decomposed by the fly maggots and thus provide good nutrients for the soil. If this happens outdoors and not in a closed bin, then it should not be avoided.

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