Detect mite bites in humans

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Table of contents

  • What are mites
  • habitat
  • Wood mites - persistent pests
  • Detect mite bites on humans
  • First aid measures for bites
  • preventive measures
  • wood mites in the house
  • Conclusion

Severely itchy bites on the skin can be an indication of mites. Various strains of mites live parasitically, whereby we humans also serve as a source of food. While the classic house dust mite is waiting for us in bed, wood mites are lurking in the long grass of the garden. Arachnid bites are similar to mosquito bites, but cause different symptoms and diseases. In order to take the right measures against mites, it is important to find the cause of the itchy and inflamed areas of the skin.

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What are mites

Like ticks, many mites are parasitic arachnids that can trigger and transmit allergies and diseases. With the naked eye, it is difficult to track down and identify the animals, which are only 0.5 mm in size. The bites of the pests are conspicuous and painful. Humans and animals are equally affected. Mites belong to the most species-rich family group of arachnids. Around 50,000 different species of the small arthropods are known worldwide, of which only a small fraction can be dangerous for humans and animals.

Some mite species have specialized in four-legged friends. The parasites feed on the body secretions of the host animals, which can have unpleasant consequences for them. Some mite species multiply on the infested animal. For example, mange mites lay their eggs under the skin of dogs and cats. The larvae hatch after a few days and the cycle of parasitic arachnids begins again. In humans, scabies and house dust mites can cause significant complications. Examples of diseases carried by mites include:

  • scabies
  • spotted fever
  • tularemia
  • Lyme disease
  • Rickettsi pox


As different as the way of life of the individual mite species is, so is their natural habitat. However, just over half of all mite species that occur colonize the soil and in this way contribute productively to the formation of humus. Parasitic arachnids, on the other hand, are often found on their host. While some species spend their entire lives there and are only transmitted through physical contact, other mites drop and lurk in tall grass and thick bushes for new victims. Ticks, for example, are known for this way of life. These blood-sucking ectoparasites are not choosy and do not spare large and small vertebrates, including us humans.

Grave mites go one step further. These parasites are not content with colonizing the upper layer of mammalian skin. The damaged mites create burrows, which causes severe itching. The larvae of these pests cause the dreaded scabies skin disease. Colloquially, this clinical picture in animals is called mange. The disease is highly contagious and must be treated immediately.

House dust mites could be seen as "followers of cultures". The small parasites are among the best-known species of mites that share their habitat with humans. In mattresses and bedding, the arachnids find a rich supply of food in the form of fungi that grow on skin scales. The excrement of the mites is a trigger for asthma and the dreaded house dust mite allergy. In contrast to other types of mites, house dust mites cannot be completely eliminated despite intensive efforts. The pest population and the associated health risks can be reduced to a minimum.

Wood mites - persistent pests

House dust mites and co. are not the only arachnids that are dangerous for us humans. Wood mites, also known as autumn grass mites, howling lice or harvest mites, belong to the walking mites group. The common names of these arachnids indicate their natural habitat: A large part of these parasitic insects lives mainly on meadow plants, shrubs and bushes. Even in your own garden you are not protected from Neotrombicula autumnalis, the Latin name for this pest. A dry, sunny climate favors the reproduction rate of the mites.

The small crawlers are not equally represented everywhere. In some regions of Germany it is almost a miracle when you see them. Other areas, such as Bavaria and the Rhine area, are among the preferred settlement areas for the pests. Once the small arachnids are present, it is difficult to get rid of them.

With their mouthparts, the larvae of the running mites are able to penetrate human skin and absorb lymph fluid unnoticed. When biting, an enzyme is injected, which causes unpleasant itching. The rash can last for several days and can become extreme. Pathogens can also be transmitted to the host during the ingestion of the pests.
While it is difficult to recognize the larvae of Neotrombicula autumnalis with their 0.3 mm, you can easily identify the adults with a trick:

  • Lay out dark cardboard or black fabric in the grass
  • This measure is ideal during lunchtime
  • The red arachnids prefer the warm material
  • In high or The mite population reaches its peak in late summer

Are the wooden or If there are large numbers of harvest mites in the garden, this can be seen after a short time by looking at the box or the box. recognize substance. Rarely is a location evenly affected by an infestation of grass mites. The small arachnids usually settle on a small area of ​​approx. half a square meter. If you suspect a population of wood mites in your garden, you should carry out the "mite test" in different places at the same time.

Detect mite bites on humans

Mite bites are painful and can cause long-lasting skin irritation and eczema. The external appearance of the stings allows you to easily identify the responsible arachnid species by observing them carefully. In this way, it is possible to take effective measures against the harmful insects.

  • Swelling, redness, and itching appear around the bite sites
  • The "stings" are regionally limited and usually sit close together
  • Mite bites are easily confused with insect bites
  • Grave mite bites are painful
  • Tubular, pin-sized vesicles are characteristic of burrow mites
  • The scabies-like symptoms only appear after a few weeks
  • A scaly complexion in combination with severe redness is an indication of predatory mites
  • Sensitive people may experience a slight fever after a mite bite

Neotrombicula autumnalis are picky about their food intake. The small arachnids prefer a warm, humid, sheltered place. For this reason, a large number of these bites occur on the edges of tight-fitting textiles, such as stockings, underwear and the waistband of trousers. The armpits are also occasionally affected. The itching increases continuously in the first 2 to 3 days, spots and swelling only appear after 5 to 36 hours. If the bite sites are left untreated, the itching and redness can last for several weeks.


Cover your legs and arms while gardening. In addition, work gloves not only protect against grass mites, but also against thorns and poisonous plant sap.

First aid measures for bites

Only a fraction of parasitic mites are active vectors of disease. However, when the arachnids penetrate human skin with their mandibles, they create a potential entry point for many skin diseases and infections. The severe itching also tempts you to constantly scratch the affected areas. This can cause further injuries, including open wounds. Bacteria penetrate, which in the worst case can lead to blood poisoning. It makes sense to treat the mite bites in a timely manner.

A grave mite infection is not something to be taken lightly and can be treated with home remedies. Just a few centuries ago, countless people died from scabies. Thanks to modern research and effective medicine, these consequences are fortunately a thing of the past. However, scabies is still a present topic. The sooner the symptoms and the infestation are treated, the better for those affected and those around them. Just a handshake is enough to get infected with the dangerous grave mites. The treatment itself is carried out by a specialist doctor.

In contrast to scabies mites, wood mites only visit their "host" for a short time. As soon as the itching occurs, it is usually too late. The perpetrators left the crime scene hours ago. You should keep your hands off the bites. Because these tear open quickly and can leave small scars. The following tips have proven useful:

  • Rub affected areas with lemon juice
  • Apply high-percentage alcohol to the skin surface using cotton wool
  • The juice of an onion can also provide relief from itching
  • Medication against scabies does not help with grass mite bites

Alcohol poultices, cortisone ointments and antihistamines from the pharmacy relieve the itching and allow inflammation to subside more quickly. With medical products, it makes sense to read the package insert carefully. Many drugs, especially the effective antihistamine, cause severe tiredness.

preventive measures

There is no effective repellent against mites. The arachnids quickly develop a natural resistance to many chemical products, which is passed on to the next generation. While keeping dust mites at bay with cleanliness and regular bed linen changes, you can Minimize the risk of grave mite infestation by limiting contact with affected individuals avoids. It is similar with wood mites. The following defensive measures have also proven effective against the animals:

  • Mowing grass regularly in the garden reduces the grass mite population
  • Change clothes and shower when in vulnerable areas
  • Regularly check the fur of free-roaming dogs and cats for pests
  • Apply neem oil to a mite population on stone

It is not uncommon for a Neotrombicula autumnalis infestation to be advised to use hot water or pour out vinegar and oil. However, these agents have no place in the garden, because they can significantly affect the flora and fauna. The same principle applies to insecticides. Wood mites love dense moss pads in the lawn. Prevent a heavy infestation and scarify the grass in spring. With this measure, you can reprocess the green area and make life difficult for the small arachnids.


With special sprays you can temporarily keep wood mites at bay. Effective products are available in drugstores and pharmacies.

If neither humans nor larger mammals are present, the red parasites make do with mice. A high population of these rodents can cause a high mite infestation in the garden. Use the following tips to make your garden unattractive to mice:

  • Dig up and move the compost heap regularly
  • Remove potential food sources, such as fallen fruit, promptly
  • Natural predators such as hedgehogs and birds can contribute effectively to decimation
  • The useful animals feel at home in a natural garden with many retreats

wood mites in the house

The small red arachnids are not only at home in the wild. In certain circumstances you can make life difficult for us in the house. In bed and on the sofa we are defenseless against the pests. Similar to the garden, itchy and discolored areas of skin are what draw our attention to the grass mites in the house. Watch the suspicious spots closely. Quick action is called for as soon as you have located the grass mites.

  • Put sensitive textiles and cuddly toys in the freezer for about 24 hours
  • Clean bed linen and towels in the washing machine at at least 60°C
  • Vacuum the area with a special dust mite vacuum cleaner
  • Use mite-proof sheets

The parasites are persistent. It cannot be ruled out that a one-time cleaning action will not bring much. For this reason, it makes sense to repeat the above measures on a daily basis. Steam cleaners are suitable for pore-deep cleaning of beds. If necessary, you can hire them together with the appropriate cleaning agent from a retailer. Proceed thoroughly and let the mattresses dry extensively. In addition to the wood mites, you can also eliminate house dust mites in this way.


Mites are annoying, the bite of the arachnids, which are only a few millimeters in size, can have serious consequences. In order to take the right countermeasures, it makes sense to classify the mite species. For example, remedies against burrow mites are ineffective against house dust mites and grass mites. The red pests can cause severe itching. However, the small parasites do not pose a danger to humans. You can combat the after-effects of the bites quickly and effectively with home remedies and over-the-counter products from the pharmacy.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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