Germinating grass seeds: how long does it take for lawn seeds to germinate?

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Table of contents

  • seed
  • sowing time
  • germination time
  • reduce germination time
  • soil preparation
  • sowing
  • Care after sowing

Germinating grass seed takes some patience. It can even take several weeks until the first straws appear, during which no care mistakes should be made. With the right care, germination can even be promoted. In order for the grass seeds to germinate faster, however, many factors must be taken into account, such as the regular supply of water.

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The germination time is also determined by the choice of grass seed. Basically, a distinction can be made between expensive products and very cheap seeds. In this case, the price does not have to be the deciding factor as to how well or how quickly the seed germinates. Even cheap seeds are often ahead of the game and require fewer days to germinate. However, a short germination time is not always a sign of quality. Grass seeds that grow quickly often do not form an even pattern, resulting in an unattractive lawn. A slightly longer germination period can therefore be an advantage so that the lawn develops evenly.

A notice:

Expensive quality seeds have the advantage that they usually have a better germination rate. This eliminates the need for time-consuming overseeding.

sowing time

Theoretically, grass seed can be applied all year round, even in winter. At very cool temperatures, however, the germination period is significantly longer, since the delicate green would freeze, although the seeds themselves are frost-resistant. For the fastest and most even germination possible, the soil temperature should be at least 10°C. Of course, there should also be sufficient moisture, because constant watering is often difficult, which is why it makes sense to choose those months when there is a lot of precipitation.

The ideal time is therefore in spring from April to May and in late summer from August to September. In both periods, the temperatures are not yet very high, which means that the seed or the seedling does not run the risk of drying out. In addition, more precipitation is to be expected in these months, which means that additional irrigation does not have to be provided.


A warm and rainy period should be chosen for sowing. As a result, the seed usually has everything it needs and the amount of work is reduced.

germination time

Lawn seeds before germination

There is no general answer to the question of the germination period. It mainly depends on the quality of the seed and the weather. This results in a period of time for germination of seven to 21 days.

reduce germination time

Even if the seeds should be given sufficient time for healthy development, it may be necessary to accelerate the germination period. With a few tricks, the time can be reduced by a few days to a week. A faster germination time is based on three pillars:

  • Preparation
  • sowing
  • Care

The better the soil is prepared, the easier it is for the seeds to develop. With even sowing, the seeds can not only develop better, a more beautiful lawn appearance is also achieved. Long-term care, especially the supply of water, can protect the sensitive seedling and promote its growth.

soil preparation

Basically, a fine and even soil is advantageous for the grass seed. To do this, it must be prepared accordingly, for which the following devices are required:

  • Spade or a motor hoe for larger areas
  • rake
  • Possibly. level

With a spade or the motor hoe loosens the soil and finely crushes it. Everything is then smoothed out with a rake and the seeds are sown. Finally, the grass seed is pressed firmly with a roller. In between, the surface can be checked again and again with a spirit level, so that any bumps are banished from the lawn.

When preparing the soil, it is particularly important that weeds and stones are removed. Stones in particular can become a problem later when the lawn is mowed. Unevenness should be avoided if possible. This makes using the lawn more difficult later. In addition, waterlogging can form in the hollows, which can lead to the turf dying off.


After the soil has been optimally prepared, the actual sowing begins. Care should be taken to ensure that the seeds are distributed evenly. If you grow too thick, the seeds will hinder each other's growth and the germination time will be longer.

Lawn seed germination time

Sowing can be done by hand, but it is more even with a suitable seed drill. This also prevents clumps from forming, which hinder each other's germination. After sowing, the seeds are pressed firmly with a roller. This prevents the seeds from being washed away by rain. In addition, the individual seeds have good contact with the soil and can form beautiful roots.

Care after sowing

After sowing, the most important task is not to let the seed dry out. Since germination can take up to three weeks, the lawn should be watered constantly during this time. A lawn sprinkler is ideal for this, with which the lawn is watered once a day. However, the sprinkling time should be limited to ten minutes. This will prevent waterlogging from forming and the seeds dying.

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