Remove and effectively combat brush algae

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Pond owners and aquarists know the problem when brush algae appear and persist in the water. The brush algae belongs to the genus of red algae and to this day it has not been fully clarified which factors all together favor the growth of this alga. Nevertheless, there are of course empirical values ​​and possibilities to remove the brush algae.

Properties of the brush algae

In general, brush algae belong to the genus of red algae, which are red in color. However, this alga is colored from dark green to black. The color of the alga depends on the salinity of the water in which it occurs. In fresh water it grows black and as the salt content increases, the algae have a green color from around three percent salt content in the water. The brush algae got their name because they overgrow both plants and objects in the pond or aquarium with small, bristly tufts. The alga also forms a reddish and slimy-looking layer that settles on all surfaces within the water which not only creates visual impairments, but also unfavorable conditions for plant growth in the water forms. The plant prefers to grow in the pond in areas with strong currents. If the aquarium or pond is very heavily infested with brush algae, it may even be that the entire bottom of the aquarium or pond is overgrown with the algae. It is particularly negative that combating the brush algae is very tedious, while it is advantageous that the use of a chemical club is not required.

Brush algae - profile

  • is a red alga
  • grows like a brush and overgrows plants and objects in the water
  • forms reddish mucus which is unfavorable for other plants
  • grows particularly in water regions with currents

First countermeasures in case of brush algae infestation

When the alga has appeared, it is important to take countermeasures quickly. So if you find brush algae infestation, it is important to remove and combat it quickly. A large part of the algae can be removed by vigorously wiping the infected objects or carefully dabbing off plants.
In addition, reducing the existing fish population can be an important help in curbing the growth of brush algae. A lot of excretions produce a lot of nutrients for the algae. For the rest of the fish, the feeding should be moderate so that, if possible, there is no leftover food can sink more to the bottom of the water and the algae are therefore not offered any additional nutrients.

First aid for brush algae

  • Thoroughly clean plants and objects in the water
  • Reduce fish stock
  • Create unfavorable water quality for the algae

Even if it has not yet been fully clarified which conditions favor the growth of this type of algae overall, it can be said that that intense water current is a beneficial factor for growth and also the carbon dioxide content in the water is growth influenced.
It is also important to ensure a low phosphate and nitrite content in the water. The nitrate and phosphate content in the water can be positively influenced by using hornwort, because this grows very quickly and needs a lot of nitrate and phosphate for this - it removes them from the water Fabrics.
The second step is to increase the carbon dioxide content in the water. A higher carbon dioxide content in the water favors this

Plant growth, but harms brush algae. Many well-growing plants in the water, on the other hand, take away the nutrients from the brush algae. The use of other fast-growing plants that consume nutrients can also deprive the brush algae of its livelihood in the long term. In addition, it is said by experienced pond owners and aquarists that a high carbon dioxide content can already contribute to the death of the brush algae, because they do not appreciate it. Unfavorable conditions for the brush algae are:
  • low CO2 content
  • Achieve low nitrate and phosphate content in the water
  • many competing plants

Fight the algae in a targeted manner

Heavily infested leaves of plants should not only be cleaned, but completely removed. The best and most important help after superficial cleaning of infected objects or plants is to reduce the current in the water. Especially in ponds that have an inflow or in aquariums, reducing the current is a sensible measure to effectively counter algae infestation. Because the algae prefer to settle in areas of water around which the flow of water flows, reducing the flow can cause the Make space for the brush algae unattractive and at least further growth and multiplication of the algae impede. The problem is that the alga is very stubborn and that control can therefore take several weeks.
Because brush algae can store nutrients for several weeks, reducing them also helps Nutrient enrichment in the water only takes a long time - namely when the brush algae has stored its Has used up nutrients. In the worst case, it can take up to nine months to get the annoying infestation under control or has eliminated. As a general rule, fewer fish stocks also generate fewer nutrients through excretions, and an exchange with algae-eating fish makes sense.

Tip: A temporary 14-day partial water change can reduce the nutrient supply in the water and thus also create unattractive conditions for the brush algae.

Prevent brush algae

It is important that in future fish are only fed in a targeted and moderate manner so that no unused nutrients can dissolve in the water. As a preventive measure, it can be said that a long-term low current in the garden pond can curb growth. It should also be noted that the water - for example through excessive feeding of the fish - must not become too rich in nutrients. In addition, exposure to phosphate and a low carbon dioxide content should be avoided, because these factors promote growth

Experience has shown that it is stimulated. If you are creating the pond or aquarium, you should consider that not too many fish are placed in the tank should so that the excretions and thus the nutrient supply of the brush algae are not too favorable for algae growth developed.

Worth knowing about brush algae in brief

Brush algae are very common in aquariums. The black brush algae, contrary to their name, belong to the group of red algae. The infestation manifests itself as a red, slimy layer on the leaves, panes, stones and other things in the aquarium. Brush algae can be avoided or drive away again by taking a few simple actions. The use of the chemical club is not necessary in most cases:

  • There are a number of things that can be done to prevent brush algae when designing and setting up the aquarium.
  • A first measure is not to put too many fish in the tank.
  • Too many fish cause too many nutrients, which greatly encourages brush algae growth.

In order to keep the nutrient balance in a balanced ratio, the water should be changed every 14 days.
If brush algae infestation has already occurred, around a quarter of the water should be changed weekly in addition to reducing the number of fish. In addition, you should clean all affected areas well and remove the infected leaves from the plants. In order to prevent an excess of nutrients, it is also important to ensure that the fish are not excessive be fed and thus feed remains that sinks to the bottom and the nutrients to the water releases.

  • Strong plants are also a must against the reproduction of brush algae.
  • Underfloor heating, for example, promotes the growth of plants, as does a CO2 system.
  • Plants that grow well are strong and healthy and can therefore defend themselves perfectly against attack by brush algae.
  • The use of hornwort is recommended so that the phosphate and nitrate concentration is reduced.

It is a well-known truth that light promotes algae growth. It is the same with brush algae, so you should avoid daylight entering the aquarium. The artificial lighting should also be reduced during the fight against the brush algae. Last but not least there is Seaweed eating fish, which also serve well in the fight against brush algae. The Siamese trunk barbel is very popular with aquarists, as is the catfish.