Fish & animals in the garden pond

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Fish are ideal for livening up the garden pond. In addition to the well-known goldfish, bitterling and minnows, there are of course other aquatic animals to be found that are very good for the biotope, clean it and protect it from excessive algae growth. Most pond owners also want to have fish in their pond. These have to be bought by ourselves and put in the pond. Other living beings settle by themselves. Provided that the water quality and the biological balance are correct. Dragonflies, for example. These beautiful, fascinating, winged insects need water for their larvae. The sight of it has always fascinated people. Frogs also like to settle at the garden pond. They may be a little noisy at times, but we can benefit from their presence. They feed on mosquitoes, water fleas and other unpleasant insects. We would like to pass on our experiences with garden ponds and their creatures to you.

22 small pond fish | Fish for small pond

Only a small pond will fit in a small garden. But Mother Nature has also created a few fish for these mini ponds. To be more precise, there are even several interesting species that are not inferior to the large specimens in terms of beauty. But be amazed yourself!

Feeding Koi during the year - feeding and food types

Kois are friendly fish, and kois are valuable fish. Clearly, these little darlings deserve only the best feeding. A brief overview of how the koi are fed and the types of food that we have available.

7 Fish Diseases | Help for pond fish

For some animal lovers, their fish mean everything. Correspondingly great is the concern if the animals suddenly behave abnormally or show external symptoms of one of the numerous pond fish diseases. This guide explains how the owner makes a precise diagnosis, what causes it and what to do in this case.

Moderlieschen in the pond - instructions for keeping

A garden pond without any animal inhabitants is actually not a real pond. The Moderlieschen is ideal for this, because it can cope with any pond size - if the framework conditions are right.

Over 200 cool fish names | Invent names for fish yourself

Everyone finds it completely normal that dogs and cats are given nicknames. Even if you give your budgie or snake a name, that's fine. Why should you make an exception for fish?! We give you suggestions, suggestions and tips for fish names.

Hibernate pond clams | 14 tips for pond clams in winter

Pond mussels are practical animals for the garden pond, as they can filter the water and thus clean it. Their main source of nutrition is algae. But what happens to the pond mussel in winter when the water surface freezes over? We reveal here how wintering is possible.

Suitable fish for the garden pond

Anyone who creates a garden pond is often full of ideas and dreams of a lively economic one Garden pond with many plants that bloom, pond roses and fish that do their rounds in the clear water turn.

Golden orfe in the garden pond | 10 tips for keeping & propagation

The water has been poured in, the green plants are in place. Now there is still a lack of color contrast and movement in the garden pond. A swarm of golden orfe can deliver both. Colored yellow-orange, they are clearly visible in circles in the water. When do you feel comfortable in it in the long term?

Frog in the pond: what do frogs eat in the garden pond?

Frogs in the pond are important beneficial insects because they destroy numerous annoying pests. Frogs are good and patient hunters who can stalk prey for a long time. The more diverse the pond, the greater the food supply, which attracts different species.

Bluefish in the garden pond: 8 pieces of advice for keeping the ornamental fish

The blue pitcher, also called Aland, belong to the carp family. The blue pitcher is a cultivated form, similar to the gold pitcher, which is intended for keeping in ponds within parks and gardens. The color ranges from white-blue to light blue.

Sturgeon in the garden pond | 10 tips for keeping in the pond

Do you want to add a real sturgeon to your pond? The desire for such a striking animal is easy to understand. Our tips will help you with handling this living fossil so that the posture is crowned with lasting success.

Sterlet - keeping in the garden pond | Information on growth & feed

The sturgeon is one of the oldest fish species. This is precisely why it has an almost magical attraction for numerous pond owners. But if you want to settle the sterlet as the most common representative of these living fossils in your own water, you should consider a few things.

9 typical Koi diseases with pictures | Koi diseases from A-Z

Dreaded Koi diseases include bacterial infections and parasites. But viruses also cause problems for the ornamental fish under suboptimal conditions. Sick fish should be treated in quarantine.

Pests in the garden pond | This is how you can get rid of bugs

Pests in the garden pond can upset the entire biological balance of the biotope and lead to the death of flora and fauna. If fish live in the biotope, natural pest control is urgently recommended. In addition, quick countermeasures are necessary to keep the damage within limits.

How many fish are there in the pond per 1,000 liters? Goldfish & Co

A gush of blue water. Plants sprawling green and sometimes also in bloom. Some colorful fish. The list of ingredients for the garden pond at home is ready. But here, too, it depends on the right amount. How many fish is the water enough for?

Goldfish in the pond - diseases and fungal attack

For many nature lovers, the goldfish pond is the highlight of their own garden. The fish are easy to care for and reach a comparatively old age.

Successfully overwintering goldfish - fish in winter

Goldfish are undoubtedly one of the most popular pond fish. The animals are robust and pretty to look at. Whether they survive the winter in the pond depends on the nature of the pond and its oxygen content. There are a few details to note.

Fish gasp for air - what to do?

Many garden pond owners are familiar with the problem: fish suddenly swim on the surface of the water and gasp for air. You have to do something about this: Above all, the water quality should be improved.

Living things in the pond: these animals live in and around the garden pond

A garden pond is not just decorative. The water and the area around it are also the habitat of many different living beings. There are far more to this than fish and insects. Here we reveal which animals can be observed in the pond.

Fighting jelly beetles + profile and information on food

As impressive as the yellow beetle may be, it is one of the unwanted permanent guests in the garden pond. Because both the beetles and their larvae are voracious predators who not only stalk insects, but also do not stop at tadpoles and young fish.

Grass carp in the garden pond: size, growth, housing and nutrition

If you want larger fish for the garden pond, the grass carp is the right choice because it can get quite large. With good care, sufficient space and sufficient food, the animals have considerable growth and reach astonishing sizes of one meter and more.

Shubunkin in the pond: keeping, care and reproduction

The Shubunkin is a colorful ornamental fish from Japan, which visually resembles the noble Koi. Since it is considered to be extremely easy to care for, it can ideally be kept in a pond in the home garden. Find out everything you need to know about keeping in a pond here!

Mosquitoes on the garden pond - what can be done against mosquito larvae?

There is hardly a bigger nuisance than mosquitoes. The annoying pests not only feed on human blood, but multiply at a rapid pace and are therefore difficult to fight. If these occupy the garden pond, something must be done.

Shubunkin goldfish: characteristics, species, size and age

Shubunkin goldfish are as colorful as Koi carp, but much easier to keep and care for. However, there are a few points to consider. Interested parties can find out what the Shubunkins are all about here.

Veil-tailed goldfish in the pond: keeping, breeding and wintering

Its compressed, rounded body shape makes the veil-tailed goldfish need more warmth than its robust conspecifics. In order to keep the beautiful ornamental fish in the pond, special aspects must be taken into account. This guide sheds light on all the details about keeping, breeding and wintering.

Keeping goldfish in the pond - feeding, disease and reproduction

Keeping goldfish in the pond is common and popular. However, as simple as keeping it appears, factors such as feeding, diseases and reproduction should be clarified - because freshwater fish also have requirements that must be met.

How old do goldfish get in a pond and in a glass aquarium?

Goldfish are popular pets for the aquarium and garden pond because they are easy to care for - but they are pretty to look at. Nevertheless, interested parties should inform themselves comprehensively in advance and know, among other things, how old goldfish can get in the pond and in the glass aquarium.

Fish for the mini pond - tips for wintering
A mini pond in the garden or on a balcony can be a splendid sight in summer. If you want to keep fish in it, you should note that the pond must be deep enough.
Snails in the garden pond - keeping of pond snails

pond lentils flIt is not uncommon for pond owners to make big mistakes at first when keeping pond snails. The demands of the animals are underestimated, although if a few basic principles are observed it could be very easy to keep snails in your own pond.

Koi in the garden pond - keeping, care and wintering

koi3 flAfter Koi can look back on a long tradition in Asia, they have been enjoying steadily growing popularity in this country for several years. We provide information about care, keeping, feeding and background information on the coveted fish.

Garden pond fish - popular species, keeping and wintering
goldfish pond flGarden pond fish are enjoying increasing popularity. They liven up the pond and it's just fun to watch the animals. There are many species of pond fish, and each species has its own needs.

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