Garden in Winter Archives

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Home editorial office

5 minutes

Wintering African lilies from A-Z | Is agapanthus hardy?

The African lily, botanically Agapanthus, is a real eye-catcher for the balcony or...

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Home editorial office

5 minutes

Lamp cleaning grass over the winter - this is how it works | Is it hardy?

The lamp cleaner grass, also known as feather bristle grass, impresses with its long, reddish spikes that nestle gently in the wind. It...

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garden editorial

5 minutes

Is Arbutus unedo hardy? Overwinter strawberry tree

There are questions to which there are unfortunately no clear answers. Whether the strawberry tree is hardy is clearly one of...

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Home editorial office

5 minutes

Black-eyed Susanne hibernating | Is she hardy?

Black-eyed Susanne, botanically Thunbergia alata, is an extremely popular plant for the balcony, terrace or garden...

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garden editorial

8 minutes

These 5 evergreen creepers are also hardy

Evergreen creepers beautify unsightly facades and walls, as well as balconies and terraces. They serve as privacy and...

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garden editorial

5 minutes

Passiflora caerulea: is the passion flower hardy?

The Passiflora caerulea is a conditionally hardy plant and therefore dependent on the right site conditions. This can only be done in mild...

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Home editorial office

9 minutes

Rain barrel in winter: empty when there is frost? How to make frost proof?

At the latest when frost approaches, the question arises as to whether and how the rain barrel will survive the cold season. Quickly...

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garden editorial

6 minutes

Overwinter Physalis plants and cut them properly

Physalis plants are considered annuals, but with the right knowledge, they can be overwintered and planted again the following year...

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garden editorial

5 minutes

Is lavender hardy? Cold-resistant varieties and winter care

Every hobby gardener who spends the summer seems to be bathing in a sea of ​​fragrant, delicate purple flowers.

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garden editorial

8 minutes

Is the hemp palm hardy? How to overwinter Trachycarpus correctly

The hemp palm Trachycarpus is one of the hardiest palms in this country, which can also easily overwinter in the garden. Depending on the subspecies...

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Home editorial office

10 mins

Hardy palms 7 species for the garden down to -25°C

Global warming is giving hardy palm trees a boom in gardens and parks beyond the Alps. Do you intend to...

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red carpet berry

garden editorial

7 minutes

Winter protection for potted plants - this is how you cover plants properly

Potted plants enrich a wide variety of areas in the garden, on balconies and terraces, whether as ground cover, shrubs or noble stems. Because...

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Golden fruit palm - Areca palm - Dypsis lutescens

garden editorial

12 minutes

Make hardy palm trees winter-proof – 10 care tips in winter

When buying a palm tree, more and more hobby gardeners are choosing a species that is considered hardy and therefore...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Overwintering canna - this is how you overwinter Indian flower cane in a pot

With a straightforward strategy, you can successfully overwinter your picturesque canna. Behind its delicate, abundant blossoms, the...

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garden editorial

8 minutes

Is rosemary hardy? How to overwinter it in a pot/on the balcony

When the imposing rosemary bush exudes its typically spicy scent during the warm season, the...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Is the Calla/Zantedeschia hardy? Information about overwintering in a pot

The genus of elegant Zantedeschia has a wide range of flowering species for every season. Evergreen calla lilies delight us with...

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garden editorial

12 minutes

Hibernate banana plants - 11 care tips for bananas in winter

Despite the similar appearance, one cannot speak of the banana plant in general. There are many different types of banana trees that...

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fig tree

garden editorial

12 minutes

Is the fig tree hardy? List of hardy varieties

Enjoying fresh, home-grown figs is also possible north of the Alps. Whether a fig tree hardy...

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garden editorial

11 minutes

Is oleander hardy? This is how you get him through the cold

When the oleander blooms in summer, every hobby gardener likes to spend time in their own green space...

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garden editorial

12 minutes

Dahlias hibernate - this is how you store dahlia bulbs correctly

Unfortunately, there are no hardy dahlias for the home garden. Only in its native Mexico is a wild natural variety...

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Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum well fertilized

garden editorial

10 mins

Are chrysanthemums hardy / perennial? Instructions for wintering

Chrysanthemums are a familiar sight as autumn patio decorations. Many home gardeners do without the colorful spectacle of flowers in the bed because...

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Fuchsia - fuchsia

garden editorial

11 minutes

Overwintering fuchsias – this is how you properly care for fuchsias in winter

Unique flowers in countless color combinations make the fuchsia one of the most popular and decorative bedding and balcony plants. Man...

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hydrangea pink

garden editorial

9 minutes

Overwintering hydrangeas - care during the winter in the pot

New generation hydrangeas for balconies and terraces thrive in a similar way to subshrubs, which makes them susceptible to...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Is the azalea hardy? How to overwinter azaleas in pots

Are you concerned about the hardiness of your potted azalea? Then the answer depends crucially on whether it is...

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