Carving a pumpkin: 23 free templates for pumpkin faces

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garden editorial
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Table of contents

  • carve pumpkin
  • Pumpkins - Durability
  • Garden Fruit Squash - versatile
  • templates
  • Eyes
  • mouth
  • It's all in the mix

When choosing a pumpkin to carve, you should make sure that it is as round as possible. Other shapes are difficult to edit. The carving pumpkin should not be smaller than 30 centimeters in diameter. For the processing you need knives and spoons in different sizes, a bowl, a cloth, a pen and a tea light.

video tip

carve pumpkin

First a lid is cut out at the top part where the style is located. The shape can be simply round, but also square or star-shaped. When carving, the knife is guided inwards at an angle so that the lid will hold later. Now the seeds and the pulp can be scraped out with a spoon. The side wall remains at least two centimeters thick. The pulp is collected in a bowl and left to cool until processing. Draw a face on the pumpkin with a pencil. Templates and patterns as well as stencils can also be used for the motif. In this case, you place the stencil or template on the pumpkin, fix it with small pins, then transfer the contours with a pen. Then the pumpkin is carved. Using a small knife, carefully begin to cut out the face. If small parts break off, you can simply reattach them with pins. After cutting out, all cut edges are smoothed out with a cloth. Now the pumpkin is dried for a day before it is illuminated with a tea light. In autumn you can find inspiration for beautiful, funny and spooky motifs for carving pumpkins in numerous handicraft magazines, but also on the Internet.

Pumpkins - Durability

In order to enjoy the carved Halloween pumpkin for as long as possible, you should consider the following things.

Pumpkin face carving templates for Halloween

The pumpkin is bought in good time and dried for at least two weeks before processing. This also makes the shell nice and firm and easier to cut. If the cut surfaces are treated with Vaseline, the pumpkin will stay fresh longer. Cold also retards the Halloween Pumpkin's spoilage. Clear coat and hairspray also ensure that the durability is extended. However, the best means of preserving is and remains the careful and sufficient drying of the pumpkins.

Garden Fruit Squash - versatile

The garden pumpkin is not only a popular autumn decoration, but also a popular medicinal and vegetable plant. The pulp of edible pumpkins can be boiled, steamed, roasted and baked. In this way you can prepare numerous delicious dishes from the pumpkin fruit and do something for your health at the same time. The pumpkin contains all the important vitamins and the minerals magnesium, potassium and iron. The fiber-rich pulp supports digestion and also has a draining effect. Some pumpkins form oily seeds, from which the tasty pumpkin seed oil is extracted.


With three basic shapes (triangle, circle and square) countless variants of pumpkin faces can be conjured up. Here we show a few templates of mouth and eye that you can put together yourself.


Pumpkin Carving Template: Eyes

If our templates don't quite match the idea because they are too friendly or too scary, you can simply rotate the template. This creates many more possibilities that can conjure up any desired emotion on the pumpkin's face.


Pumpkin Carving Template: Mouth

Decide for yourself whether your pumpkin laughs or screams. With the matching teeth, the Halloween face is already finished.


If you want a nose or eyebrows, you can simply choose one of the shapes and adjust it accordingly.

It's all in the mix

Pumpkin Face Templates Free
author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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