L for Tree of Life Archives

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The motto of the letter “L” of our glossary is represented by the tree of life as a hedge plant or garden tree.

Another tree of life almost gave us eternal life - if Eva hadn't nibbled on the tree of knowledge too quickly. Now she was able to distinguish between good and evil, but as punishment she was expelled from paradise, making the tree of life unreachable. Not for the gardener, he finds his tree of life in the garden center.

The thuja, our tree of life, is one of our favorite hedge plants, making it a worthy representative of hedge plants. The cypress-like tree grows into a year-round opaque hedge or decorates the home garden as an evergreen tree, for which it is well suited with its slow growth.

The hedge plants are important for our gardens: A hedge frames the property, not with a non-natural material, but with a suitable lush green border. Which is certainly responsible for the fact that certain districts in our cities not only appear very green, but also actually offer better air. Our wildlife is also happy about the hedge around the property, which provides shelter, hiding places and food.

Other hedge plants also start with an “L”, both well-known and less well-known: lance barberries and Love pearl bush, gingerbread tree and laurel rockrose, loquat and laurel rose, Chinese lantern and privet, and of course lime and larch. In our glossary you will also find articles on hedge plants that do not start with an “L”, such as boxwood and lilac, broom and forsythia, cherry laurel and juniper.

And you'll find the lilies and the lilies, and an entry on the foliage in the garden, and lots of thoughts on how to turn the garden patio into a real lounge. If you are missing a keyword, simply send us an e-mail to encourage us to deliver it later.