Gardening to Garden Design Archives

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Gardening is more than designing paths and building a fence. Palisades are placed in the garden, planters are designed, drying racks are set up and all kinds of small and large garden work is carried out. In this guide you will find practical gardening tips that you may come across while designing your garden. The greatest treasure in the garden are lush, thriving plants. As wonderful as the dark green foliage and the brightly colored flowers may be, they can often be accentuated even better with the right decorative elements. From the wide range of decorative objects, plant pots and bowls are available in an almost unmanageable variety of sizes, shapes, colors and materials for garden design. Imaginative planted vessels give the garden or the terrace a warm, southern feel flair, conceal annoying gaps in the flower bed and liven up even the shadiest corners with colour. Cleverly placed, they become a real highlight and attract admiring glances. Find out at how many endless possibilities there are for this. Gardening and thus also garden design go from early spring until late autumn in, at this time perennial and charming bulbous plants exude their luminous color fireworks. With perennial and mixed borders you can effectively demonstrate your gardening skills and provide color in the garden almost all year round. Designing a garden has a lot in common with furnishing an apartment. There is no right or wrong way. The only important thing is that you and your family like it and can use it according to your wishes. Unlike furniture, however, many parts of the garden cannot simply be moved, paths and ponds cannot be easily moved to another corner. And shrubs and trees usually don't take it well when you transplant them. So it pays to plan the garden in peace and to act thoughtfully.