Loyal to men: the ideal location

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Loyal to men: the ideal location

Loyal to men or also known as lobelia is usually an easy-care plant. However, the ideal location is an important factor for good growth and lots of flowers. The article explains what this should look like.

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In a nutshell

  • A sunny location is ideal, partial shade is acceptable
  • Male loyalty can be cultivated in a bed or in a bucket on a balcony or terrace
  • a south-facing pitch is always a good idea
  • Substrate well drained at the site, rich in nutrients, humic and moist
  • Loyal to men, it likes neither hot nor cold

Table of contents

  • soil condition
  • Ideal lighting conditions
  • temperature
  • culture in the bed
  • bucket
  • frequently asked Questions

soil condition

to the ground loyal to men(Lobelia erinus) for its location a few requirements that are important for good growth. A little more care is therefore necessary, especially in a sunny location:

  • Always keep substrate moist
  • Lobelia does not tolerate dry soil
  • However, avoid waterlogging
  • humus and nutrient-rich substrate
  • for pot planting choose soil for flowering plants
  • in the Garden bed with compost and mix a little sand
  • Soil becomes more permeable
Loyal to men (Lobelia Laura deep blue)
Loyal to men - Lobelia 'Laura deep blue'

Tip: If the selected substrate is slightly acidic, then this is the ideal basis for healthy growth for the lime-tolerant male faithful.

Ideal lighting conditions

Loyal to men likes one sunny location. In this case, many of the decorative, purple-blue or white flowers are formed and the plant grows luxuriantly:

  • in a sunny bed in the garden
  • ideally facing south
  • in a sunny front yard
  • on one south balcony or a sunny terrace
  • Partial shade is accepted
  • therefore east and west direction is still
Loyal to a man hanging in a traffic light

A notice: If you put the men's faithful in a shady or even darker place, then you must know that this can not only damage the flowering in summer. The plant then grows stunted overall. Therefore, try to find the optimal place.


Lobelia do not tolerate very high temperatures or frost. It is therefore important to pay attention to the ideal temperatures at the location and to react if necessary:

  • Temperatures between 15° and 25° degrees are ideal
  • only after the Ice Saints in May plant outside
  • at very high temperatures, the plant sheds its leaves
  • frequent watering is then recommended

Tip: If the plants were cultivated in tubs, you can place them in a bright and cooler place for a short time in summer when the temperatures are very hot, such as in a stairwell.

culture in the bed

The lobelia can be planted well in a bed. Here, the hybrid varieties, which are usually annuals, can spread well and unfold their lush flowers. Therefore, there is no need to worry about winter protection in the garden bed.

Loyal to men (Lobelia erinus speciosa)

Various locations are available for a bed:

  • as a lawn separation
  • along paths
  • in a front yard
  • around a seating area
  • in front of a south-facing house wall or wall
  • next to large perennials, pay attention to the orientation
  • can take the sun out of the lobelia
  • Male loyalty is only about 20 centimeters high

A notice: In contrast to tub cultivation, it is usually not necessary to pay attention to waterlogging in a bed with a permeable substrate. Because the excess water can drain away more easily in the garden bed than in a container.


Since the men's faithful is a plant that grows luxuriantly in all directions, it can also be cultivated in a high bucket or a traffic light. Here the foothills can hang down and offer a nice picture. When cultivating in a bucket on a terrace or balcony, it is not only important to pay attention to the bright location:

  • Avoid waterlogging in the bucket
  • can occur despite permeable substrate
  • always place drainage over drain hole
  • empty the catch plate after watering
  • provide fresh substrate every two years
  • possibly transfer to a larger container
Loyal to men in the flower pot

Tip: If you cultivate men's loyalty directly in the bucket, overwintering is easier. Because in addition to the annual hybrids, there are also perennial plants in the varieties of lobelia.

frequently asked Questions

Where does the men's faithful come from?

The lobelia is a plant that originally comes from South Africa. It should therefore be offered the same site conditions in this country.

Do I have to pay attention to other things when looking for a location?

It is very important to note that the male loyalty is a poisonous plant. If there are small children or pets such as dogs and cats in your household and garden, then you should ensure that the cultivation site is secured so that it does not get caught by the lobelia approach. For example, this is also an option here traffic light cultivation at.

What Are the Benefits of Lobelia?

Loyal to men forms many individual small flowers. These are not only very decorative but are also visited by bees, bumblebees and other insects that need the nectar from them.

Does men's loyalty get along with other plants?

The lobelia can be cultivated very well in a cottage garden with many different other flowering summer plants. But it also comes into its own as a single plant in a bucket on the balcony. The plant suits well daisy, petunias or geraniums.