Aglaonema: is the cobtail poisonous to cats?

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Aglaonema piston thread poisonous

The cobtail is not only one of the most beautiful indoor plants, it is resilient and undemanding. However, owners of dogs, cats, guinea pigs and Co. should be careful. Read here whether Aglaonema is poisonous.

video tip

In a nutshell

  • all parts of the plant poisonous
  • Danger from touching
  • place out of reach of cats and other pets
  • consult a veterinarian in case of skin contact or ingestion

Table of contents

  • Gorgeous thread
  • toxicity
  • frequently asked Questions

Gorgeous thread

The common thread (Aglaonema commutatum) belongs to the genus Aglaonema. The first part of the word contains the Greek word aglaós. It means "magnificent". The second part nope stands for "thread".

The home of the houseplant is the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. More than 50 Aglaonema species grow here.

The butt thread grows 50 centimeters high. Its elongated green leaves covered with silver-grey speckles are arranged alternately. The flower of the cob thread forms a white cob surrounded by a white bract.

care tips

Buttress Aglaonema
The plunger filament is sensitive to light and should rather stand dark.

The hardy houseplant shows extremely easy-care:

  • Location: shady or semi-shady
  • Watering: plentifully in summer, sparingly in winter
  • Fertilize: from April to August, every two weeks

Tip: Due to its room air-improving properties, the piston thread is used, for example, as a office plant popular.


Dobtail Aglaonema 'Silver Bay'
'Silver Bay', with its decorative variegated leaves, is one of the most popular mulberry varieties.

Aglaonema commutatum comes from the arum family, all members of which are more or less poisonous. All parts of the plant are considered to be highly toxic. Even touching parts of the plant can cause skin irritation and reddening. If parts of the plant are swallowed, the mucous membranes will swell and there is a risk of suffocation. In cats and other pets, eating parts of the cob thread

  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • cramps
  • Vomit
  • bleeding
  • Pains
  • dizziness
  • Kidney and liver damage

trigger. If you suspect that your cat has eaten parts of the common thread, it is essential that you contact the veterinarian immediately.

A notice: Aglaonema is also poisonous to humans. Small children in particular, who like to put unfamiliar things in their mouths, must be protected from the poisonous houseplant.

frequently asked Questions

How to safely set up the cob thread from cats?

If you keep cats in the apartment, you should do without the piston thread. Alternatively, you can put it in the room to which the house tigers have no access. It is also possible to place the plant high up on cupboards or shelves or with hanging baskets to hang up

What houseplants are non-toxic to cats?

Whether a plant is poisonous to cats also depends on the condition and size of the animal. Small or sickly cats are more at risk. The quantities consumed by the animal are also decisive. Non-toxic houseplants include:
money tree (Crassula ovata)
lucky chestnut (Pachira aquatica)
spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
coffee plant (coffee arabica)
sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
ufo plant (Pilea peperomioides)
indoor hibiscus (hibiscus)
Lemon tree (Citrus x limon)

What houseplants are toxic to cats?

Care should be taken with all indoor plants that grow from tubers or bulbs. Plants whose stems and leaves contain a milky liquid or essential oils should also be avoided in households with cats. Houseplants that are poisonous to cats include:
window leaf (Monstera)
Yucca Palm (Yucca)
orchids (Orchidaceae)
schefflera (Schefflera arboricola)
Real Aloe (aloe vera)
Christmas star (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
rubber tree (ficus)
bow hemp (Sansevieria)

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