Green Apple Varieties: 12 Popular Green Apples

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Green apple varieties

There are thousands of apple varieties worldwide that differ in taste, size, harvest yield, but also in color. In this list we have compiled 12 of the most popular green apple varieties in Germany.

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In a nutshell

  • most green apple varieties with sun-induced red tones
  • mostly sour in taste
  • large green apple varieties with high, regular yields are the most popular
  • divided into summer, autumn and winter varieties

Table of contents

  • Green summer apple varieties
  • Green autumn apple varieties
  • Green winter apple varieties
  • frequently asked Questions

Green summer apple varieties


The light to yellowish green apple variety Helios is very popular as a fresh fruit and is particularly characterized by its high resistance to typical fruit tree diseases and pests as well as its enormous winter hardiness down to minus 35 degrees Celsius.

Apple variety Helios
Source: Michael Wolf, Penig, Apfel Helios 16643, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Size: small to medium
  • Taste: sweet, slightly acidic
  • Crop yield: high
  • Harvest and eating maturity: August; early to late August
  • Shelf life: bad, maximum three weeks

clear apple

The greenish-yellow to light green clear apple is probably the best known summer apple and convinces with a pleasant acidity and its medium-firm pulp. Unfortunately he will dessert apple but also quickly soft and floury.

White clear apple
Designations such as 'Auguster' or 'Augustapfel' indicate the extraordinarily early ripening time of this variety.
  • Size: medium
  • Taste: sour, mild aroma
  • Crop yield: high, regular
  • Harvest and eating maturity: mid-July to August; mid to late July
  • Shelf life: poor, around two weeks

Green autumn apple varieties

Gehrer's Rambour

This green apple variety with red coloring on the sunny side is a traditional example that is robust and resistant to diseases and pests.

Gehrer's Rambour
Source: Helge Klaus Rieder, Gehrer's Rambur Open Air Museum Roscheider Hof Frucht H3, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Size: large
  • Taste: sweet-sour, slightly increased acidity
  • Crop yield: very high, regular
  • Harvest time and maturity: mid-October to early November; October to December
  • Shelf life: bad, maximum three weeks

Graham's Jubilee Apple

This autumn apple is one of the very old apple varieties, which appears yellow-green when ripe for harvest, with an occasional orange-red appearing on the sunny side. This apple tree does not cope well with late frost.

Graham's Jubilee Apple
Graham's Jubilee Apple is a very hardy and undemanding apple variety.
  • Size: larger than average
  • Flavor: sweet, moderately juicy
  • Crop yield: high, fluctuating regularly
  • Ripeness for harvest and consumption: mid-September to mid-October; September to January
  • Shelf life: medium, maximum until January

Jacob Lebel

The yellow-green Jakob Lebel is an old cultivated apple variety that falls under the strong-growing bushes. The apples have a fluffy consistency and have a fruity, intense smell.

Apple variety Jakob Lebel
This apple variety is often referred to as 'Jacques Lebel' after its 'discoverer'.
Source: User: Markus Hagenlocher, Jacques Lebel, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Size: medium to large
  • Taste: pleasantly sweet and sour, very aromatic
  • Harvest yield: medium, 2-year rhythm
  • Harvest time and maturity: mid-October to mid-November; October to December
  • Shelf life: good, up to three months, but tends to pit

Tip: The green apple variety "Jakob Lebel" requires a pollinator variety. The clear apple is particularly suitable for this.

Green winter apple varieties

crack apple

The Gacksapfel is a local, tried and tested, very juicy, green wild variety with reddish marbling on the sunny side. It is equally popular for fresh consumption and further processing, especially for wine production.

crack apple
Source: Sven Teschke, Malus Cack Apple 4322, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 EN
  • Size: medium
  • Taste: juicy, sour
  • Crop yield: alternately low and high every two years
  • Harvest time and maturity: late September to mid-October; November to April
  • Shelf life: very good, until April

Golden Delicious

The green and yellow Golden Delicious is a real classic. This green apple variety is preferred because it is very crunchy and juicy and a great source of pollen for insects, although it is slightly susceptible to scab.

Golden Delicious
The 'Golden Delicious' is probably the best-known and most widespread green apple variety, the skin of which occasionally turns reddish on the sunny side.
  • Size: medium to large
  • Taste: sweet, light anise aroma, low in acidity
  • Crop yield: high and regular
  • Harvest time and ripeness for consumption: September to October; October to March
  • Shelf life: good, until March

Granny Smith

The green to yellow-green Granny Smith winter apple is one of the best known sour apple varieties. Nevertheless, it has plenty of healthy ingredients, firm flesh and a low susceptibility to apple scab.

Apple variety
The dark green of the skin indicates the increased acidity of this apple variety.
  • Size: medium
  • Taste: sweet, intense acidity, refreshing
  • Crop yield: high, regular
  • Harvest time and maturity: late October to early December; January to mid-April
  • Shelf life: excellent, long storage required for aroma

Green boskoop

This is a well-established, large-growing green apple variety that is on the list of resistance to apple scab and fruit tree cancer is at the top. But there is minimal susceptibility to fire blight and core rot.

Green boskoop
The Green Boskoop, actually 'Schöner aus Boskoop', sometimes also 'Boskop', is one of the classic winter apples.
  • Size: large
  • Taste: intensely aromatic, sour
  • Crop yield: medium-high
  • Harvest time and maturity: mid-October to November; December to March
  • Shelf life: good, until March/April

Tip: The green Boskoop is because of its high acidity, which is reminiscent of a good wine, ideal for baking suitable.


The Jonagold shows itself with firm flesh and a greenish-yellow skin when it reaches harvest maturity, which can be slightly reddish on the side exposed to the sun. This green apple variety is one of those on the list that is low in pollen, which is good for allergy sufferers but a disadvantage for many insects.

Apple variety Jonagold
Source: Sven Teschke, Malus Jonagold 4432, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 EN
  • Size: medium
  • Taste: sweet, low acidity
  • Crop yield: high but irregular
  • Harvest time and maturity: September to October; November to May
  • Storability: excellent, September to May


With a yellowish-green skin, an enormously juicy flesh and this is one of the few green apple varieties on the list that also thrives in areas with late frosts. This green apple variety is easily susceptible to fruit tree cancer, which is why appropriate precautionary measures should be taken.

Apple variety Ontario
Source: Sven Teschke, Malus Ontario 4241, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 EN
  • Size: very large
  • Taste: intensely aromatic, sour
  • Crop yield: high with annual thinning
  • Harvest time and maturity: mid-October to mid-November; December to May
  • Shelf life: good, until May, at least two months for full aroma after harvest

Rhenish winter rambur

The yellow-green, lightly dotted and red-striped Rhenish winter rambur impresses with its firm flesh and versatile usability. It is one of the oldest apple varieties in Germany and is still slightly susceptible to mildew.

Rhenish winter rambur
Source: Helge Klaus Rieder, Rheinischer Winterrambur Open-Air Museum Roscheider Hof, Frucht H2, Edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0
  • Size: large to very large
  • Taste: very sweet, low acidity
  • Crop yield: alternately low and high
  • Harvest time and maturity: mid-October; December to May
  • Shelf life: good, until March

frequently asked Questions

Are green apples healthier than red ones?

Compared to the green peel, the red apple peel is significantly richer in antioxidants, the free ones Bind radicals and consequently have a positive effect on the natural aging of the skin, but also promote it vessels are. Red apples also often contain more vitamins. Nevertheless, green apple varieties, such as those from the list above, are also very healthy.

How many apples can you eat per day?

That depends on the fructose content. From very sweet varieties, such as the Rheinische Winterrambur, you should eat less than of sour ones, for example. In principle, it can be said that two apples a day are more beneficial to the body than harmful.

What is the best way to store apples?

Due to their pressure sensitivity, apples should be stored side by side and best in a cool and dark place. In the case of longer storage, it is advisable to place a foil over it, because this collects the rising carbon monoxide and at the same time it is absorbed reduced oxygen content, which slows down the aging/ripening process of the stored apples and the storage period extended. In addition, there should be high humidity and good ventilation to avoid mold and rot.

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