How old does a mole get? Everything about life expectancy

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How old does a mole get - life expectancy of moles

For some garden owners, moles are a nuisance: they deface well-maintained lawns. In fact, the animals are extremely useful. Read here how old a mole gets and how you can help it.

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To the point

  • can live up to six years
  • But they usually die long before then from illnesses or become victims of predators
  • Birds of prey (crows, owls, buzzards) and cats are particularly dangerous
  • often fall victim to lawnmowers
  • average life expectancy approx. two to three years

Table of contents

  • Life expectancy of moles
  • Why don't moles live that old?
  • Differences between genders/species
  • Helping moles survive
  • frequently asked Questions

Life expectancy of moles

Basically, a mole can approx. They live to be five to six years old, although this is very rare in the wild. As a rule, most animals only reach an age of two to three years and very rarely die of old age.

Molehills in the garden
Molehills in the garden

A notice: A Mole in the garden is good for soil health. Due to his busy digging work, the soil is well aerated and mixed, which supports the formation of humus.

Why don't moles live that old?

A whole series of reasons mean that hardly any mole lives as old as it actually could. These include, for example:

  • Diseases
  • Parasites
  • predators (v. a. Ravens and crows, eagle owl and Owls, common buzzard, heron or Storks)
  • free-roaming cats or dogs
Mole traps
We say: Stay away from mole traps!

In addition, many moles die at the hands of humans, for example because they are caught and killed illegally or die in an accident. For example, many animals are unintentionally killed mowing machine transported from life to death or run over on the road.

A notice: Catching moles (even with a live trap!) or even killing them is according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act is strictly prohibited and can be punished with severe fines of up to EUR 50,000.

Differences between genders/species

There are no differences in life expectancy between the sexes, male and female animals can Both reach a maximum age of up to six years - unless they have previously suffered from illness or hunger Birds of prey or fall victim to the lawn mower. However, there are definitely differences between the different types of moles:

European mole (Talpa europaea)
European mole (Talpa europaea)
Mole species Life expectancy
European mole (Talpa europaea) approx. three to six years
Blind mole (Talpa caeca) a maximum of three years
Levantine mole (Talpa levantis) two to three years
Siberian mole (Talpa altaica) five to six years
How old does a mole get?

There are around 35 different species of moles worldwide, of which only the European mole occurs in Central Europe and therefore also in Germany.

A notice: Moles are rather small animals. The European mole is one of the medium-sized species and can grow up to approx. Become 15 centimeters long. One of the largest species, on the other hand, is the Siberian mole, which can be up to 23 centimeters long and weigh 225 grams.

Helping moles survive

Robotic lawnmower
Robotic lawnmower Moles are extremely dangerous.

Do you have a mole in your garden and want to help it survive? Then you should take these measures:

  • do not use pesticides, herbicides or artificial fertilizers in the garden
  • Leave the mole alone and do not set any traps
  • Feed mole, e.g. b. with mealworms, grilling, crickets (pure carnivores!)
  • Simply drop food into the aisles
  • Avoid noise and unnecessary stress for animals (e.g. b. Do not walk on lawns too often)

Tip: You can carefully remove the raised molehills - do not damage the tunnels! – and the loose soil for beds or as Potting soil use.

frequently asked Questions

How long does a mole stay in the garden?

Once you have a mole in your garden, it stays there for several months or even years: the animals are solitary creatures and extremely loyal to their territory. Once they have conquered a territory for themselves, they defend it vehemently against intruders - not only other moles, but also, for example Voles belong – and are also active all year round. Moles don't make any Hibernation! A single mole's territory can cover up to 2000 square meters.

How can you get rid of a mole?

First of all: Catching or even killing a mole is strictly forbidden according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act! You should also think carefully about whether you actually want to get rid of the animal: moles mainly eat garden pests such as: b. grubs and keep voles away through their territorial behavior. If you still want to drive the animal away, these methods work best: mole repellent or unpleasant smells (v. a. vinegar, garlic, onions) or water, which are introduced directly into the aisles.

When and how deep does a mole dig?

Moles are active both day and night. The animals dig for a few hours in the morning, afternoon and around midnight and then take a nap. In addition, moles are equally active all year round, even in winter. Their underground tunnel system is very branched and covers approximately the area of ​​a football field. Mole burrows typically run quite close to the surface of the earth; only in very cold winters or during dry periods do the animals dig up to 60 centimeters deep.

What to do if I found a mole in the garden?

First, carefully check for injuries or parasites, e.g. b. with a toothbrush. Injuries must be treated and parasites must be combated with appropriate means. Found baby moles should first be warmed (e.g. b. with a hot water bottle or cherry stone pillow) and placed in a box with sand and soil. A veterinarian or a wildlife rescue center should be notified as soon as possible.

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