Propagate cress »Here's how

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Propagate cress in your own garden

  • Cress in early summer sowing
  • Cress not to harvest
  • Leave inflorescences on the plant
  • Pick ripe pods
  • Remove the seeds and dry them

To obtain seeds from your own cress plants, it is best to sow cress in the early summer Cress patch in the garden. Let the plants stand for themselves blossoms can form.

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The flowers develop after just a few weeks. After blooming, small pods grow out of it, in which the seeds ripen.

When the pods have turned dark, the seeds are ripe for the cress to multiply. Pick the pods, shake out the seeds and let them dry.

The dried seeds come in a paper bag. Don't forget to label the bag and also note the year of harvest.

Store the bag in a dry, dark place until you are ready to sow the seed in the garden or on the windowsill.

Cress seeds remain viable for up to four years.

Make the cress bloom on the windowsill

If you don't have a garden of your own, it will be difficult to get the cress to bloom. The light conditions on the window sill are usually not so good that the plants start to bloom. Most of the time the shoots die, which means that they become very long and dry.

If you are trying to get the cress to bloom indoors, only use cress that you sown in spring or early summer. Then there is the greatest chance that flowers will form.

However, do not be disappointed if you only harvest a few seeds despite extensive care. It is usually easier to buy the seeds in the supermarket or gardening specialist.

Tips & Tricks

If you need a lot of cress seeds because you often use cress in the kitchen, ask at large garden shops or health food stores. There, cress seeds are also sold by the kilo.