Plant and care for germinating onions

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germinating onions - title

table of contents

  • Store the onions correctly
  • Plant germinating onions
  • care
  • Pests and diseases
  • frequently asked Questions

Onions are an indispensable part of German cuisine. Those who like to cook always have a supply in the house. If onions suddenly sprout, you can plant them. We show how it works.

In a nutshell

  • Onions (Allium cepa) in a cool, dry place
  • germination begins when it is warm and humid
  • Germ has no influence on edibility
  • when planted in the garden, new bulbs emerge
  • Onions are poor eaters, no nitrogen fertilization is required

Store the onions correctly

Onions are considered to be storable. They can be kept for up to six months. Those who grow onions in their own garden can supply themselves with the harvest throughout the winter. The right time for harvest can be recognized by the onion leek. Only when two thirds of the leek strands have dried can the onion harvest begin. Choose a dry, sunny day. If there is no rain in sight, the onions can be left to dry on the bed for another week.
Remove coarse dirt and shorten the roots with a sharp knife.

Harvest onions

About five onions are then tied together with string and hung in an airy place.
Alternatively, it can be stored lying down on a dry, absorbent surface. To do this, shorten the onion to three centimeters.

Storage is best in a cool, dry and airy place.
Sprouting onions are a result of the storage conditions. If there is enough moisture and warmth, germs form.

Plant germinating onions

You can use germinating onions in meal preparation or you can easily plant them. After all, the plant with the germ heralded the beginning of the new growing season. The best time to plant is in spring, when night frosts are no longer to be feared.


  1. Prepare a flower bed in a sunny spot.
  2. Loose, humus garden soil is preferred. A clay component strengthens the growth.
  3. Use the small shovel to dig holes 10 centimeters apart.
  4. Put the germinating onions or Onions individually in the holes.
  5. Pour the freshly set onions with water.
Plant germinating onions


Onions are very undemanding. You hardly need to look after them. Neither fertilizing the soil nor additional watering is required. Waterlogging is a danger to the tubers, which easily begin to rot.
If the soil has dried out badly in summer, then superficial chopping is worthwhile. Deep chopping should avoid Spe as it will disrupt the growth of the tubers.

Pests and diseases

Onion plants are often attacked by downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in damp weather. It is recommended not to grow onions in the same place for several years in order to reduce the effectiveness of the fungal spores. A sufficient distance between the plants makes it easier for the leeks to dry off after rainfall. By doing this, you can reduce the risk of downy mildew infection.

The onion fly (Delia antiqua) is considered to be the most dangerous pest of onions. Your larvae eat their way through the tubers. Dense nets, which you can use to cover the plants, help prevent the onion fly from laying eggs. A mulch layer of shredded ferns and kitchen herbs such as sage and is recommended mint.

Onion fly maggots
Onion fly maggots; Source: Rasbak at Dutch Wikipedia, Uienvlieg maggot, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

To protect against the fly, you can make a tea from tansy or wormwood and spray the bulbous plants with it. Even Nettle manurethat you water on the beds will drive away the vermin.

Tip: Plant carrots between the bulbous plants to protect them from pests.

frequently asked Questions

Are there any differences between the onion and the shallot?

Shallots and onions are closely related. Shallots are milder in taste. Because of their pleasant, noble aroma, they are often preferred to table onions.
Shallots are smaller. The shell of the shallots can be colored differently. Shallots with red, green-purple, yellow or gray color are known.

Can germinating onions still be eaten?

The germ does not change the onion's ability to be eaten. You can process them as usual. If the germinating onion lies longer, the tuber becomes soft and can no longer be seared as well.

How do you use onions that bloom?

In modern onion breeding, the willingness to flower has been reduced. However, bulb plants may still bloom. Remove the flower as soon as you notice it. The flower deprives the tuber of its strength. You can harvest the plant right away, because as soon as it blooms, the tuber will no longer grow. Onion flowers are edible. They are great for salads. We do not recommend consuming all of the flowers. Onions can be obtained from the seeds.

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