30 roses for partial shade: these varieties thrive in the shade

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Roses for the partial shade

table of contents

  • Roses for the partial shade
  • Types of roses
  • Red roses
  • Pink roses
  • White roses
  • Yellow roses
  • Orange roses
  • Purple roses
  • Cream colored roses
  • Frequently asked questions

For centuries, roses have been one of the most popular plants in gardens, parks and palace complexes. The flowers are not only a symbol of love, but are also used in the kitchen, cosmetics and as an ingredient in perfumes and soaps. Pink prefer a place in the sun, which is not possible in all German or Central European gardens. But you don't have to worry, because there are numerous roses that also thrive in partial shade.

Roses for the partial shade

It is known that roses do particularly well in the sun. They develop more flowers and don't shoot into the green, which is a big problem for many strains when they have to stay in a spot in the shade. Unfortunately, not every gardener has an ideal location with more than six hours of sun a day in which to bathe the roses. For this reason, shade-tolerant species and varieties are the solution, if the possible location for the rose plants in the garden, on the balcony, on the terrace or in living rooms in partial shade lies. Two forms of shadow come into question for the plants:

  • light shadow
  • Penumbra

Types of roses

While in partially shaded locations the plants receive between four and five hours of sun a day, something else is described with light shade. This is understood to mean more than four hours of sunshine or more, during which direct sunlight reaches the plants through tree tops, bushes or artificial nets. It's diffuse. Before you learn about 30 suitable varieties of roses, you should take a look at the types of roses that can withstand partially shaded locations:

  • Apple rose (bot. R. villosa)
  • Beagle rose (bot. R. spinosissima)
  • Vinegar rose (bot. R. gallica)
  • Field rose (bot. R. arvensis)
  • Cinnamon rose (bot. R. majalis)

All of these are classic Wild rosesthat are used to the unfavorable locations and conditions in Central Europe and can therefore be kept in partially shaded locations without any problems. The vinegar and apple roses in particular should be mentioned here, which have no problem even with full shade. This means that you can plant these in your garden without hesitation, as wild roses are in most cases not really suitable for the limited space in pots. If you prefer an ornamental variety, you will find 30 suitable varieties below, sorted by color. The semi-shade varieties listed below are mostly bed, shrub, climbing and ground cover roses. Because of this, you can find the ideal strain for every location and taste.

tip: If you want to grow any of the above species and use their rose hips, you should bet on two specific ones. The apple and field roses are ideal for this purpose, as they have the largest amount of rose hips train, which is especially suitable for near-natural gardens with animal visitors who use the fruits as food to use.

Red roses


A climbing rose in an intense red that blooms abundantly, is very robust and can withstand even difficult locations. It reaches a final height of up to 2.5 meters and inspires with its double flowers.

Rose 'Amadeus'

Black Forrest Rose

The 'Black Forrest Rose' is a floribunda rose that can ideally be kept as a small shrub. The soft red appears in umbels of up to 15 flowers.

Rose 'Black Forrest Rose'

Cherry girl

The 'Cherry Girl' is one of the healthiest red ADR roses (Recognized German rose), which are ideally suited for outdoor and bucket keeping in the shade is. The flowers stand out due to their cherry-red color and historical shape.

Rose 'Cherry Girl'


Nostalgic blooms and climbing growth. The 'Florentina' immediately catches the eye and, due to its persistence, is also one of the ADR roses.

Climbing rose 'Florentina'

Gardener's delight

This variety is also known under the name 'Toscana' and is popular for its abundant flowering, which does not suffer from rainfall and is frost hardy.

Rose 'Gardener's Joy'

Red Meidiland

A ground cover rose with red flowers and a shape reminiscent of classic wild roses. Because it grows close to the ground, it remains compact.

Rose Red Meidiland

Rose of Unity

In 2015, the rose of the unit was chosen as an ADR variety. It should be a reminder of German unity. The reason for this are the two different shades of red that represent a decorative contrast.

Rose of Unity

Summer evening

Another ADR rose that develops extremely long shoots. The flower shape is similar to that of wild roses. It is hardy and can even be tied up, which reveals numerous creative possibilities for design.

Rose 'summer evening'

Pink roses

Bad Birnbach

The 'Bad Birnbach' shines in a light salmon pink that is immediately noticeable in the garden. It is also an ADR type.

Rose Bad Birnbach


ADR dwarf rose with flowers close together, the charm of which lies in the light color and the romantic look.

Rose 'Charming'

Constance Spry

Named after his botanist of the same name, this variety is the archetype of all English ornamental roses. It was introduced in 1961 and, when in bloom, is reminiscent of classic tea roses and exudes a myrrh scent. A classic for your garden.

Rose 'Constance Spry'


Delicate, light pink flowers and a smell of apple or pear characterize the Jasmina, which has had the status of an ADR rose since 2007.

Rose 'Jasmina'

Rosarium Uetersen

A special breed, the color of which ranges from deep pink to silver pink. It comes from the rosarium of the same name in Uetersen and is delightful even in partial shade.

Rose 'Rosarium Uetersen'

Venusta Pendula

A rambler rose that presents a lovely, pale pink color with a lot of character. The decorative bowl flowers are about six centimeters in diameter.

Rose 'Venusta Pendula'

White roses


Pure white ADR rose for the partial shade, whose petals harmonize perfectly with the stamens that shine golden yellow.

Rose 'diamond'


A sweet scent and a beautiful flower shape characterize the 'Hella', which is immediately noticeable in the nose. She is very healthy and keeps climbing up.

Rose 'Hella'


A variety that is not too vigorous, but presents all the more beautiful flowers. The petals seduce with their shape and pure white color.

Rose 'Medeo'

Sun rose

Due to its robust nature, the 'sun rose' can be placed in rock gardens and in dry places. The variety grows as a ground cover for dense rose carpets.

Rose 'sun rose'

Yellow roses

Ghislaine de Féligonde

A historical rose variety with high frost resistance and a pastel yellow shade. It is often used for hedges and a solitary position.

Rose 'Ghislaine de Féligonde'

gold treasure

The 'Goldschatz' grows gently overhanging and inspires with its high level of health, which will allow you to enjoy the plant for a long time.

Rose 'gold treasure'


Lemon-yellow ADR rose, the peel of the flowers clearly contrasting with the green of the leaves.

Rose 'Solero'

Orange roses


An orange variety that is resistant to fungi and generally quite undemanding.

Rosa 'Aprikola'

Bentheimer Gold

Healthy, stable and another ADR rose for partial shade that you can use to beautify your garden.

Rose 'Bentheimer Gold'


Rich flower umbels and the option of planting a rose hedge from this variety make the 'Lambada' an interesting alternative in orange.

Rose 'Lambada'

Purple roses

Purple Rain

Another dwarf rose that seduces with its dense flower umbels and intense color, even from a distance.

Rosa 'Purple Rain'

Rose de Resht

The Rose de Resht is one of the most important rose varieties for the extraction of rose oil and can be due to their intense scent in the kitchen or for making their own soaps and fragrances will.

Rose de Resht

Path of the Senses

An intense purple with stamens in a golden yellow tone are unique and are embodied by the 'Path of the Senses'.

Rosa 'Path of the Senses'

Cream colored roses

Garden of Roses

As romantic as the name of this variety of roses is, it is also attractive. The floribunda rose forms nostalgic flowers in a lovely cream tone.

Rose 'Garden of Roses'

Lions rose

This rose thrives splendidly in partial shade and its color is reminiscent of a light cream that comes from a fairy tale.

Rose 'Lions Ros'


The last one in the bunch has numerous petals and large, frilled flowers in a light cream color.

Pink `petticoat`

tip: There are some types of roses that are held in the shade of apricot and are great to keep together with cream-colored varieties. These include the bed roses 'Schöne vom See' and 'Portoroz', as well as the shrub rose 'Sonnenwelt', which easily thrive in partial shade and enchant with beautiful flowers.

Frequently asked questions

Are there multicolored species or varieties that do well in partial shade?

Yes, if you are enthusiastic about multi-colored roses that do not die despite being in partial shade, you will also be served. Two types of rose in particular are worth mentioning: The classic floribunda rose 'Brothers Grimm' Flowers in orange-red and the climbing rose 'Bajazzo' with a mélange of petals in pink and orange.

How do the rose varieties thrive even better in the shade?

The condition of the soil is particularly important for richly blooming roses in partial shade, as the plants depend on it for blooming and vitality. A pH value of 6 to 7 and a deep soil, which you loosen up well before planting, so that it can hold a lot of moisture, but does not cause waterlogging, are particularly important.

What must be considered when keeping in the bucket?

If you decide on some of the rose varieties and species mentioned above, you should choose a deep pot, as the plants like to reach deep into the substrate. You should also make sure that you allow enough space for the rose, especially if you have the bucket want to put them on the balcony or terrace.

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