Recognize and treat diseases

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Differentiate between illnesses and caring errors

When plants don't look like that and growas they should, there can be different reasons. Pathogens are not always really or Pests the reason for falling leaves or unsightly stains on the foliage. Dragon trees are on a suitable one Location with not too intense Exposure to sunlight, the right amount humidity as well as a special one Earth instructed. Often they have spots on the leaves or also flaccid drooping leaves one of the following reasons as a trigger:

  • strength Temperature fluctuations
  • sunburn due to direct incidence of daylight
  • Drafts
  • dry air from a radiator

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  • Correctly recognize and fight pests on the dragon tree
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Recognize leaf spot disease

Dragon trees actually appreciate a constant, relatively high level of humidity or, alternatively, regular spraying of the leaves. In some cases, this intensive care can also have a negative effect and the spread of the so-called Fusarium

Leaf spot disease support financially. This arises first in the center of the leaf crown of a dragon tree and expresses itself through it orange-brown spots and stem rot starting from above. When a incoming dragon tree can be saved at all at this point in time, it should be kept significantly drier on the leaves in the future. Appropriate fungicides can be helpful in combating this disease.

The Erwinia soft rot pathogens stink to heaven

The identification of the so-called soft rot is often not particularly difficult with the nose: Infested plants stink unpleasantly of fish and are usually covered with an unsightly slime on the rotting trunk parts. This disease can be caused in part by one Cut back the infected trunk ends or by re-rooting a Cuttings be fought. However, it usually makes sense to dispose of infected specimens early so as not to endanger other dragon trees or to prevent new outbreaks of the disease.


Various dragon tree diseases and other problems with these plants are associated with waterlogging in the pot. This problem can be minimized if dragon trees in Hydroponicsgroomed will.