Painting terrace slabs: Instructions & colors

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Painting terrace slabs - title

table of contents

  • Suitable colors
  • Necessary utensils
  • preparation
  • instructions
  • frequently asked Questions

Old and weathered terrace slabs quickly leave an unsightly appearance, which is reinforced by the uniform gray. The solution to this problem is to paint the concrete slabs with a special paint.

In a nutshell

  • Use only paints suitable for concrete
  • Thoroughly clean terrace tiles before painting
  • Foam roller with telescopic handle helps with work
  • Proceed in neat and even rows
  • Several layers are necessary for optimal coverage

Suitable colors

Special concrete glazes and resistant wall paints are best suited for painting concrete slabs. These color mixtures react with the concrete surface and then harden. In this way, the color pigments bind themselves into the usually gray building material, so that a solid and difficult to detach connection of the two materials is created. When choosing the colors, the type of concrete and its special properties must always be taken into account. Since these aspects can vary extremely, you should seek advice from specialist dealers on the optimal combination. In addition, read the manufacturer's instructions in detail before purchasing. High quality color tones cover up immediately, but most products require multiple coats. In addition, the drying times are extremely different and must be adhered to for a successful result.

Concrete slabs
  • Suitable colors for concrete come in many different tones
  • Becomes impermeable to water after hardening and drying
  • However, the concrete's breathability remains intact
  • Are permanently lightfast and free from yellowing
  • Leaves and does not flake off even under heavy use
  • Mineral and long-lasting concrete glazes are ideal
  • Convince with strong opacity
  • Acrylic, floor and facade paint are also suitable
  • Alternatively, use varnishes, silicate paints or sealants

Note: In order to adequately prepare the terrace slabs for painting, a primer for the concrete surfaces is recommended.

Necessary utensils

After the desired color tone for the concrete slabs has been determined, further utensils are required for painting the terrace slabs. There are various aids on offer for the painting process, but not all are equally suitable. When choosing, the size of the terrace must always be taken into account. A normal brush can be used for smaller areas. However, if the terrace is more extensive, you need more powerful tools. Otherwise the painting process takes an extremely long time. Good preparation and cleaning is important for the substrate so that the paint finish looks appealing afterwards.

  • A foam roller with a telescopic handle is ideal
  • Pressure washers or steam jets for cleaning
  • Use only rubber scrubbers to avoid scratches
  • Use special concrete cleaner
  • Grinding machine for touching up damaged areas
  • Painter's tape for masking the border areas
Clean terrace slabs


Thorough cleaning is very important before painting the patio slabs. Even relatively new Concrete slabs must be cleaned beforehand. Powerful concrete and high-pressure cleaners are best suited for this. If the concrete has a very smooth surface, it is advisable to roughen the slabs beforehand. In this way, the color can bind to the terrace covering much better. A longer drying phase after cleaning is very important, otherwise the paint cannot be applied correctly. Depending on the outside temperature and humidity, it can take between one to three days. If the weather conditions do not play along, the cleaned terrace can be covered with a foil. To do this, strategically distribute some garden furniture in the corners and stretch the film over it. Since the cover does not lie directly on the concrete, the surfaces can dry better and more quickly.

  • Sweep the terrace extensively and remove any plant residues
  • Remove moss completely
  • Also remove other residues such as old paint
  • Repair any cracks or other damage
  • Process several times with a high-pressure cleaner
  • Scrub thoroughly using concrete cleaner
  • Remove grease and oil stains with trisodium phosphate
  • Mask off adjacent drains, door frames and pipes
  • Also protect nearby surfaces with painter's tape

Note: After the terrace slabs have been painted for the first time, no other products may be used, otherwise the color result will be falsified or unsightly stains will appear.


You should always plan enough time for painting the terrace slabs. In addition to a completely dry subsurface, dry weather conditions are another basic requirement. A longer period of dryness is also required after heavy rainfall. Furthermore, painting with paint only works on concrete blocks that are intact. In addition, a sample in a hidden corner on the terrace is recommended as a test, as every concrete reacts differently to colors. With the variable foam roller, the telescopic handle can be adjusted to the height of the user. In this way, it is possible to work without having to bend down and all zones can be easily reached.

Paint terrace slabs
  • First apply primer with a blocking effect
  • Then apply sufficient, but not too much, paint
  • Do not paint the panels criss-cross
  • Proceed in a very targeted manner in straight rows on the terrace
  • Most of the time, additional layers are necessary
  • Take a break to dry after each shift
  • It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions
  • Proceed thoroughly so that the paint lasts for a long time

Note: When fresh, the first coat often looks very different than on the packaging. However, the actual color does not show up until later, when all the applied layers have completely dried out.

frequently asked Questions

How can gross damage to the concrete slabs be repaired?

In order to repair breaks and cracks, practical leveling compounds for outdoor use are ideal. This enables an exact procedure so that the damage can no longer be seen after the paint has been applied and a uniform overall impression is created.

What is the procedure for old paintwork on the terrace surface?

If the terrace has already been painted once or several times, the old paint must be removed before painting again. Mechanical aids in the form of wire brushes and facade grinders are ideal for this. As an alternative, concrete can be stripped using the solvents provided for this purpose. Then rinse the treated area thoroughly with plenty of clear water.

Why is it advisable to prime the concrete slabs?

Thanks to the primer, the color applied afterwards lasts much better and longer. In order to optimize these factors even further, it is advisable to apply two layers of the concrete primer.

What is the procedure for particularly smooth concrete surfaces?

If the terrace slabs are made of smooth concrete and a coat of paint is applied, they will often become even smoother when it rains. It is therefore recommended to use additional texture additives. These products are mixed directly into the paint and make the resulting surface significantly rougher. This means that users do not slip on it even when it is very wet.

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