Fight biting flies, calf stings & Co. properly

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Fighting biting flies - title

table of contents

  • Recognize biting flies
  • Prevention through hygiene
  • Protection by clothing
  • Keep away with mosquito screens and nets
  • Use essential oils
  • Use biting fly traps
  • Use mechanical weapons
  • Bring in and attract predators
  • frequently asked Questions

The biting fly can hardly be distinguished from the common housefly. Your sting is not all downright painful, however. We show means for combating and preventing insects here.

In a nutshell

  • is also known as a calf bite, stinging fly, stable fly, calf trigger or horsefly
  • belongs to the family of "real flies" (Muscidae)
  • can transmit borrelia, faecal germs, listeria and salmonella
  • Prevention reduces the risk of illness
  • Fighting is also possible through natural means and in a health-friendly manner

Recognize biting flies

In order to effectively and specifically prevent stings from biting flies or stinging flies, the way of life and the spread of the insects must first be known. The following points can help:

  • Occurs mainly in late spring to early autumn
  • Activity also possible in winter
  • preferred food sources humans, cattle, horses and other mammals
  • Eggs are preferably laid in compost, rubbish or manure
  • Males and females feed on blood, among other things
  • can cause allergic reactions
  • can absorb ten to 17 milliliters of blood daily
  • The suction process lasts up to several minutes
  • very painful stitches
  • diurnal
  • Transmission of germs through bites is possible

Visually, the biting flies can be distinguished from the common house flies - which, by the way, can neither bite nor sting - on closer inspection by a few details. These are:

  • conspicuously protruding proboscis on the head
  • Wings visibly more spread than in house flies
  • light vertical stripes on the back

Note: Since the intense pain is already triggered by the sting, experience has shown that the biting flies can also be easily identified.

Prevention through hygiene

Biting flies are attracted to strong, organic smells. These include, for example:

  • intensely smelling foods such as cheese, sausage and meat
  • compost
  • Garbage, especially organic waste
  • Manure

Effective preventive measures are therefore to pay attention to appropriate hygiene both inside and outside. Which also includes:

  • Cover the compost
  • Close rubbish bins well and clean them regularly
  • Do not leave food open, but keep it tightly closed and refrigerated
  • Remove stable manure, such as horse droppings or cow dung, quickly and regularly

Protection by clothing

Even thin layers of fabric are difficult for the biting flies to penetrate with their proboscis and they resort to other food sources. A certain amount of preventive protection can therefore be achieved through long clothing. Breathable sportswear has various advantages, as it also protects against other parasitic insects such as ticks and mosquitoes. In addition, it is comfortable to wear even at high temperatures.

Tip: Animals can also be protected from annoying and potentially dangerous insects by fabric. Light, cooling special jackets for dogs and animals or special blankets make it more difficult for the biting flies to use them as a source of food.

Keep away with mosquito screens and nets

Since the biting fly is not only outdoors, but can also be attracted by odors, for example, it can also be found in living spaces. However, these can be very easily protected against brakes and the like. Simple fly screens in front of the windows and nets in front of the doors prevent insects from entering to a large extent. They are easy to attach and can also be used without restriction in rental apartments - as long as they are variants with Velcro fasteners or for clamping.
Garden pavilions, balconies and terraces can also be secured from the stable flies with mosquito nets. The advantages of this are:

  • also available especially for pollen allergies
  • a simple assembly
  • no follow-up costs
  • several species of insects are kept away
  • easily reusable
  • comparatively low acquisition costs

Use essential oils

In addition to prevention, various measures are available to combat the annoying stinging flies. Essential oils or plants with a high content of essential oils are effective and yet health-friendly. They can be planted in the garden near dining areas, doors, and windows, or grown in pots on window sills and the balcony.

  • basil
  • lavender
  • mint
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • Tomato plants

Note: The plants alone are usually not enough to keep all biting flies away, but they should still offer a certain protection. Alternatively, the prepared essential oils from the plants can be placed in fragrance lamps or on damp cloths.

Use biting fly traps

Special traps are easy to use, inexpensive and effective as well as health-friendly. A basic distinction is made between two types: glue traps and UV light traps.
at Glue traps it is strips or plates provided with glue and pheromones. The biting fly is attracted by the pheromones and sticks to the glue. If the traps are placed near organic waste, compost or manure, a large number of calf sticks can be removed in a short time. The problem, however, is that useful insects can also stick to it.
Traps with UV light are more expensive to purchase and generate follow-up costs due to their operation. They attract insects through the light, but for this very reason they are not allowed to be used outdoors (anymore). In addition to annoying bloodsuckers and other pests such as mosquitoes and moths, beneficial insects can also fly into the light and burn in the process. Biting flies are not attracted to the light, but can also be lured into the trap due to the resulting smell. A disadvantage is therefore that the calf gauges have to get indoors in the first place.

Use mechanical weapons

Mechanical weapons can be used in a targeted manner when the burning flies become annoying indoors or outdoors. The choices are:

  • electric fly swatter: This weapon kills insects on contact with an electric shock. Strictly speaking, it is not a purely mechanical measure to combat it. Nevertheless, the electric fly swatter is practical because it is comparatively cheap, can be used on the move due to the battery operation and also prevents stains on walls. The biting flies can even be killed with it in the air.
  • Fly swatter: The classic fly swatter is used to target insects. The advantages are that it can be used almost anywhere and is very cheap to buy. The disadvantage is that flies and the like leave unsightly stains on walls and other surfaces.
  • Insect gun: They are still relatively unknown and are reminiscent of water pistols. Salt is used as ammunition. The pests are literally shot. Insect rifles, such as the Bug-A-Salt, are relatively expensive and require accuracy. However, they are non-toxic and if there are a large number of flies, several insects can be killed with one load.

Bring in and attract predators

Making the garden safe and attractive for birds and hedgehogs helps to attract these useful predators of the biting flies and thus to reduce the spread of bloodsuckers. You can buy ichneumon wasps and lacewing larvae in specialist shops and deploy them specifically near compost, rubbish and stables.

Tip: Experience has shown that one measure alone is not sufficient against the biting fly. It is therefore better to use various protective agents, fragrances, traps, weapons and predators against the potentially dangerous calf sticks.

frequently asked Questions

Are the stings from the calf sticks dangerous?

Since the stable flies can transmit pathogens and trigger allergic reactions, the stings are potentially dangerous. Slight redness and swelling are normal. If further or more severe symptoms occur, however, these must be carefully monitored and, if necessary, medically treated.

When do I have to go to the doctor with a sting?

In the event of severe pain, extreme swelling, heat development or inflammation, a doctor must be consulted. Dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath are clear indications of an allergic reaction. Emergency medical treatment is required immediately in these cases.

Do chemical agents help against calf stings?

Insecticides are useless against the biting flies. Because the insects get used to it very quickly and develop resistance. Only the environment, the health of other animals and the wallet are polluted with the insecticides.

What effects can biting flies have on animals?

Pain, panic, itchy eczema, inflammation, illness and declining milk yield in cows are possible consequences of the biting fly stings. Therefore, pets and farm animals should also be protected from the insects.