Cemetery plants: 30 cemetery plants that require little water

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Cemetery planting

table of contents

  • Cemetery planting
  • Cemetery plants
  • Plants from B to C
  • Plants from D to F
  • Plants from G to I.
  • Plants from J to L
  • Plants from N to P
  • Plants from S to T
  • Plants from W to Z

Cemetery planting is a special form of garden art. It is designed to create a stylish and at the same time calming ambience, as the cemetery is a place of rest and remembrance. For this reason, cemetery plants are chosen, numerous species that are well suited for this purpose due to their importance and growth characteristics. Depending on the location, it is necessary to choose cemetery plants for cemetery planting that require little water to thrive.

Cemetery planting

Sense of the cemetery planting

Cemetery gardening is still a relatively young field of activity and only appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Century, but has developed into an important field since then. Nowadays, cemeteries are artistically planted with numerous flowers and plants of the most varied of species and thus present themselves in different colors in every season of the year. For this purpose, plants are chosen, which are chosen mainly for their colors. These each have a different meaning.

Stone cross in cemetery
Stone cross in cemetery


  • Loyalty, persistence


  • hope

Red and pink

  • Love, passion

Yellow and orange

  • Cheerfulness, warmth

Above all, blue plants and flowers overlap with cemetery plants in yellow and orange tones. The colors are mainly used to align certain areas within the cemetery in such a way that they have a pleasantly calming effect and encourage corresponding emotions. The colors of the plants are also combined with the current meaning that the cemetery plants internalize, for example white Lilies, which in Europe represent a traditional flower of the dead and express admiration for the deceased and for the immortality of the soul stands.

Cemetery planting
Cemetery planting

Tip: Red roses are a sign of love even in the cemetery, since according to this principle love does not cease after death.

Cemetery plants

30 cemetery plants that get by with little water

The cemetery planting is not only selected according to the importance of the flowers and plants, but also according to the compatibility of weather and soil. Of course, trees, hedges and bushes are usually given less traditional importance in the field of cemetery planting, this place is usually held by the flowers. But these are part of every cemetery and ensure the typical character of the final resting place. Many of the species can even be used to care for urn graves. Many of the species develop flowers, while others are mainly used for their growth. However, they have one thing in common: they require little water.

Plants from B to C

Bearskin grass (bot. Festuca scoparia)

  • This grass is an extremely resistant plant that does not produce attractive flowers, but has a relaxing effect
  • it prefers sunny locations and does not need to add water frequently
Blue fescue, Festuca cinerea
Blue fescue, Festuca cinerea

Bergenia (bot. Bergenia)

  • These saxifrage plants are among the most popular cemetery plants because of their picturesque flowers and high tolerance to drought
  • for the most part, they provide themselves with the necessary moisture
Bergenia, Bergenia
Bergenia, Bergenia

Ground cover roses (bot. Pink)

  • There are many types and varieties of ground cover roses that typically get by with very little moisture for this type of flower, as long as they are not completely neglected
  • since these are roses, painting projects can be achieved
Ground cover roses
Ground cover roses

Christmas roses (bot. Helleborus niger)

  • Christmas roses are also known as snow roses because they bloom in winter. They don't need a lot of moisture and prefer to be in the shade
Christmas rose, snow rose, Helleborus niger
Christmas rose, snow rose, Helleborus niger

Plants from D to F

Fragrant violets (bot. Viola odorata)

  • Because of its aromatic smell, this plant is a popular cemetery plant and immediately catches the eye because of its intense color
  • In itself, the scented violet hardly needs any moisture in the open, only this is essential immediately after planting
Scented violets, Viola odorata
Scented violets, Viola odorata

Yew trees (bot. Taxus)

  • Yew trees are one of the classics of cemetery planting and are available in a variety of different needle colors
  • since they are deep-rooted, they require little water to survive
Columnar, Taxus baccata Fastigiata
Columnar, Taxus baccata Fastigiata

Elven flowers (bot. Epimedium)

  • Elven flowers need just the right amount of moisture, but not too much
  • Although the almost imaginative plants have to be watered regularly, but in small quantities
  • if this allowance is not exceeded, these cemetery plants are doing extremely well
Elven flower, Epimedium
Elven flower, Epimedium

Feather grass (bot. Stipa)

  • The feather grasses are robust ornamental grasses that do not require a lot of moisture and are ideal as an element in the cemetery
Feather grass
Feather grass

Sedum plant (bot. Sedum)

  • Sedumary hens are poisonous and beautiful at the same time and, due to their drought resistance, are perfect as cemetery plants
  • even longer dry periods are not a problem for the thick leaf plants
  • Above all, care must be taken with these that no waterlogging occurs, otherwise the plant will visibly suffer from it
Sedum as grave plants

Feather pad (bot. Leptinella squalida)

  • this plant is often used to create larger carpets in a continuous color
  • the plumage can withstand prolonged drought, but like other cemetery plants should not be completely neglected
Feather pad, Leptinella squalida
Feather pad, Leptinella squalida

Plants from G to I.

Goose cress (bot. Arabis)

  • The goose cresses are plants that are provided with attractive flowers that present themselves on a green foliage dress
  • gets by with very little water and requires good drainage
Rock cress, arabis
Rock cress, arabis

Ordinary cat's paw (bot. Antennaria dioica)

  • at first glance rather inconspicuous, but the paws look great
  • they do not require a lot of water, but like the plumage, should not be forgotten, especially after planting
Common cat paw, Antennaria dioica
Common cat paw, Antennaria dioica

Carnations (bot. Armeria)

  • Carnations are perfect as cemetery plants because they do not like waterlogging at all and do not need frequent addition of water
  • they also present themselves in a painterly elegant way
Carnation, armeria
Carnation, armeria

Large-goblet St. John's wort (bot. Hypericum calycinum)

  • these plants can withstand long dry periods perfectly and recover quite quickly after these
  • The typical thing about these cemetery plants are the yellow flowers with the long stamens
St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum
St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum

Evergreen honeysuckle (bot. Lonicera nitida)

  • grows as a dense, not too high hedge with inconspicuous flowers but intensely green leaves
  • the water requirement is very low, which makes it perfect as a cemetery plant
Honeysuckle, honeysuckle, lonicera
Honeysuckle, honeysuckle, lonicera

Plants from J to L

Japanese maple (bot. Acer japonicum)

  • Compared to the domestic maple, the Japanese maple comes in many other colors that can be attractively integrated into the cemetery
  • Although this is a shallow root that needs sufficient moisture, the necessary moisture is not as high as with other plants
Japanese maple, Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium'
Japanese maple, Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium'

Small periwinkle (bot. Vinca minor)

  • Due to the chosen location, it usually uses little water
  • the flowers inspire with their white or blue blossoms, which stand out strongly from the leaves
Small periwinkle, Vinca minor
Small periwinkle, Vinca minor

Creeping juniper (bot. Juniperus horizontalis)

  • The creeping juniper is one of the plants that require less and less moisture with age
  • This means that more water has to be watered in the first few years, but the adult plant can do well without watering
  • they can even handle the dry ball and can be picked up again quickly if it was too hot and dry over the summer months
  • the robust type is what makes juniper so popular in cemetery gardening
Creeping Juniper, Juniperus horizontalis
Creeping Juniper, Juniperus horizontalis

Lamp cleaner grass (bot. Pennisetum alopecuroides)

  • these plants need the right amount of moisture without over-watering
Pennisetum, Pennisetum alopecuroides
Pennisetum, Pennisetum alopecuroides

Plants from N to P

Carnations (bot. Dianthus)

  • Carnations are true all-rounders in the garden and also in the cemetery
  • its numerous varieties in different colors and shapes provide breathtaking accents that represent the cemetery planting in a unique artistic way
  • they can withstand drought extremely well and should not be overwatered as they cannot tolerate it at all
Carnations, Dianthus
Carnations, Dianthus

Prairie bearded grass (bot. Andropogon scoparius)

  • As the name suggests, the prairie beard grass can do without any moisture
  • Dry periods are not a problem for the ornamental grass
Prairie bearded grass, Andropogon scoparius
Prairie bearded grass, Andropogon scoparius

Plants from S to T

Sand thyme (bot. Thymus serpyllum)

  • one of the most appealing types of thyme, which also forms large carpets that make the plants particularly interesting to look at
  • As such, the thyme does not have to be watered, as it digs deep into the ground and stores moisture there
Sand thyme, Thymus serpyllum
Sand thyme, Thymus serpyllum

Sheep fescue (bot. Festuca ovina)

  • also a grass that needs the right amount of moisture to grow healthily
Sheep fescue, Festuca ovina
Sheep fescue, Festuca ovina

Snowdrop (bot. Galanthus nivalis)

  • With these beautiful flowers, only the rain is needed to absorb water
Snowdrop, Galanthus
Snowdrop, Galanthus

Prickly peas (bot. Acaena)

  • There are prickly nuts in numerous, beautiful varieties that do not have any conspicuous flowers, but instead have dense branches at a small height
  • tolerates drought very well, but as a cemetery plant it must be watered regularly, albeit in moderation
Barbed nuts, copper carpet, acaena
Barbed nuts, copper carpet, acaena

Carpet chamomile (bot. Anthemis nobilis)

  • also known as scented chamomile. It also forms carpets, speckled with the white flowers that give off a wonderful, fresh scent
  • too much watering should be avoided here, as they prefer dry soils with little water
Carpet chamomile, Anthemis nobilis
Carpet chamomile, Anthemis nobilis

Plants from W to Z

Woll-Ziest (bot. Stachys byzantina)

  • this furry plant stores moisture in the leaves and especially in the trichomes, which severely limits the amount of water required for irrigation
  • the light color and the felty leaves immediately catch the eye and add a pleasant accent to the cemetery
Wollziest, Stachys byzantina
Wollziest, Stachys byzantina

Dwarf dahlia (bot. Dahlia)

  • These flowers are beautiful plants that are perfect as graveyard plants
  • Their robust growth and their well-known dahlia shape make them one of the most popular plants in the field of cemetery planting
Dahlias, Dahlia hortensis
Dahlias, Dahlia hortensis

Dwarf pine (bot. Pinus mugo)

  • The dwarf pine is a plant that comes from the East Asian region and is very resistant to heat and drought
  • they don't have to be watered often, but the roots shouldn't dry out either
Dwarf pine, mountain pine, Pinus mugo
Dwarf pine, mountain pine, Pinus mugo

Dwarf medlars (bot. Cotoneaster)

  • grows flat and creeping up to a maximum of 15 cm in height, but the blossoms that appear are a harmonious contrast to the light-colored leaves
  • Although they need a little more water than other representatives on this list, regular watering is sufficient
Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster

Tip: Many of the above-mentioned species can be nicely integrated into your own garden or placed as a container plant on the balcony or in the winter garden. Due to their robustness, you don't have to water too often in the hot summer months; natural rain is enough for many.

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