Pine gets brown needles: what to do if it loses needles

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table of contents

  • All-clear: age-related needle drop
  • Causes and Treatment Options
  • Difficulty growing
  • Frost dryness
  • Soil compaction or drying out
  • Calcium chlorosis
  • Scleroderris Disease
  • Jaw tensioner
  • Nutritional deficiency

The pines (bot. Pinus), with their characteristic needle shape and growth, are among the most popular conifers of numerous gardeners and are often integrated into the garden as a decorative element. The wood supplier is known for the numerous, deep green needles that make the plant so special. However, there can be problems with keeping the pine, which ultimately leads to the needles turning brown and the tree losing them in large numbers.

All-clear: age-related needle drop

Disease does not always have to be the cause of discoloration or shedding of the pine needles. On average, a pine renews its foliage every three years in order to maintain its vitality and a growth spurt. That depends on the following points:

  • Art
  • age
  • health status
  • Location

Well-cared for, older trees look forward to their pine needles longer, while a stressed specimen tends to fall more quickly. However, this still has nothing to do with a disease. Of the

natural needle fall begins towards the end of summer with the oldest coniferous vintages turning brown. Only a short time later these fall off very quickly in large bundles. However, the jaw loses never complete their needlework, which is a sign of the age-related needle drop. If your specimen suddenly suffers from a dangerous needle drop and brown discoloration, it is one of the causes below.

Dwarf pine, mountain pine, Pinus mugo
Dwarf pine, mountain pine, Pinus mugo

Causes and Treatment Options

The following list gives you an overview of the typical diseases and pests that color the needles of the pine brown until it finally loses them. Since pines extremely robust Are growths, you can nurse them back up with the appropriate treatment:

Difficulty growing

These take place after Change of location of pines that have been in one place for more than five years or that are older than five years. Since many roots are damaged or torn off during transplanting, the pine stands under stresswhich leads to yellow needle tips and then to needle drop. The reason for this is the high water loss, as the roots need a long time before they can transport it again. The following steps will help you get your copy back in shape:

  • Pour the specimen continuously for half an hour
  • Garden hoses are well suited for this
  • water even when it rains

Frost dryness

The pine also does not tolerate drought in winter. In long periods without snowfall, the tree does not receive sufficient moisture and reacts to this with a loss of needles. Therefore, it is important to water sufficiently during such times:

  • water regularly
  • use cold water
  • If the soil is thawed, pour it directly onto the root disc

With potted plants, you have to fill the container with enough water until it comes out of the drainage holes. You should also never de-icing salts Use near pines, as these can get into the roots via the condensation and over time turn the needles of the trees brown or yellow. The salt is just too aggressive for the conifers.

Soil compaction or drying out

Pine trees should never be planted too close to walls or in overly compacted soil. In combination with heavy rainfall this can lead to Waterlogging or when drying out Lack of oxygen come. Check the location and soil of the pine for possible dryness or wetness. If so, do the following:

  • Rake the soil around the pine extensively
  • Work in compost (needles or leaves)
  • per m²: 2 - 3 l
  • finally mulch annually
  • Bark mulch, compost, grass or leaves are suitable for this
Pinus sylvestris, woodland pine
Pinus sylvestris, woodland pine

Calcium chlorosis

As with many forms of chlorosis, the pH is not within the recommended range for the pine tree. If the needles turn yellow-brown over a long period of time, the soil is probably too alkaline and needs to be lowered. Pine trees prefer slightly acidic soils between 5.5 and 6.5 and are sensitive to higher values, as otherwise the iron in the soil will no longer get into the plant. You can lower the value accordingly:

  • treat with iron chelate needles
  • Dosage depends on the manufacturer's instructions
  • or give Epsom salt solution
  • 10 g Epsom salt per 1 liter of water
  • Optimize fertilizer additions
  • suitable fertilizers: conifer fertilizer, leaf compost (acidic)

Then only water the pine with rain or filter water, as it does not tolerate much lime.

Scleroderris Disease

This mainly affects black pines (bot. Pinus nigra) and mountain pines (bot. Pinus mugo) and is characterized by a clearly recognizable course of the disease. First the pine needles turn a distinct brown color, then the shoots follow, which turn reddish brown to yellow. Over time, this affects the entire tree, which then has no chance of survival. This hose fungus must be fought as soon as possible because it is extremely contagious and can spread to other pine trees. Proceed as follows:

  • remove diseased parts immediately
  • then burn
  • do not dispose of on the compost
  • Fungus can spread through air
  • Contact the Föhren emergency service

If the infestation has progressed strongly, the tree must unfortunately be removed, otherwise the fungus can spread. So be especially careful here.

Pinus parviflora, white pine
Pinus parviflora, white pine

Jaw tensioner

The pine moth (Bupalus piniaria) is one of the largest pests for plants within the genus and is on the move from mid-May to late August. They choose the pine needles as an egg-laying place, because the larvae feed on them. As soon as the pine needles turn brown, they look gnawed and even caterpillars can be seen, use the following means:

  • early stages: insecticides based on rapeseed or neem oil
  • late stages: insecticides based on rapeseed oil or pyrethrins (chrysanthemum extract)

Nutritional deficiency

With a persistent lack of nutrients, the needles of pine turn brown, less often yellow, and fall off over time. Make sure that the fertilizer used contains sufficient magnesium or, as a precaution, replace it with fertilizer for conifers.

tip: a browning of the pine needles can also be caused by spider mites, which can be recognized by webs that resemble cobwebs. If this is the case, use classic home remedies and apply them at regular intervals.

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